【Brownbag】Experimentally Testing the Theory of Diagnostic Expectations Professor Donghoon Yoo (劉東勳) 2024/03/01 12:10
【Brownbag】Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Program and Traffic Safety Professor Po-Chun Huang 2024/01/19 12:10
【Brownbag】The Impact of US-China Trade War on Taiwan's International Trade Professor Loretta Fung 2023/12/22 12:10
【Brownbag】Hazed and confused: The effect of pollution exposure on CEO risk-taking Professor YiLin Wu 2023/11/24 12:10
【Brownbag】R&D Investments, Outsourcing and Non-neutral Productivity Growth Professor Yi Lee 2023/11/10 12:10
【Brownbag】Cap-and-Trade System, Firm Selection, and Emission Efficiency Professor Yi-Fan Chen (陳奕帆) 2023/10/27 12:10
【Brownbag】The Impact of Cognitive Capacity and Trust Level on Bayesian Updating Professor Yating Chuang 2023/10/13 12:10
【Brownbag】Social Network and Industrial Policy: Japan's Camphor Monopoly in Colonial Taiwan Professor Yi-Fan Chen (陳奕帆) 2023/08/04 12:10