【Job talk】Equilibrium IPR Protections, Innovation and Imitation in A Globalized World
Mr. Leo Lam
2024/03/07 14:00
【Macro Seminar】Quantifying the Extensive Margins of Trade and Production
Dr. David Torun
2024/03/07 10:30
Professor Naijia Guo (郭乃嘉)
2024/03/05 15:00
【Metrics Seminar】Review of Extreme Value Theory and Application to Auction Data
Professor Yulong Wang (王宇龍)
2024/03/05 14:00
【Brownbag】Experimentally Testing the Theory of Diagnostic Expectations
Professor Donghoon Yoo (劉東勳)
2024/03/01 12:10
【Macro Seminar】Corporate Debt Maturity Matters For Monetary Policy
Professor Matthias Meier
2024/02/27 14:30
Professor Zheng (Michael) Song (宋錚)
2024/02/21 10:30
【Macro Seminar】Balanced-Budget Rules and Macroeconomic Stability with Overlapping Generations
Professor Jang-Ting Guo (郭建廷)
2024/01/23 14:30