【AEW webinar】The Effects of Business Taxation on Local Labor Markets, Firms and Workers & Like Father Like Son? Social Engineering and Intergenerational Professor Uta Schönberg 2022/03/10 15:00
【AEW webinar】Transhumant Pastoralism, Climate Change, and Conflict in Africa & Sweet Unbinding: Sugarcane Cultivation and the Demise of Foot-binding Professor Nathan Nunn & Elliott Fan 2022/02/17 08:30
【Job talk】Building the “rainbow nation” through Mass Media: Television, Cultural Diversity, and National Unity in Post-Apartheid South Africa Mr. Tomohiro Hara 2022/01/24 13:07
【AEW webinar】Predictable Effects of Visual Salience in Experimental Decisions and Games & Temporal Instability of Risk Preference Among the Poor: Evidence from Payday Cycles Professor Colin Camerer & Hitoshi Shigeoka 2022/01/20 08:30
【Job talk 】How Do Hospital Markets Respond to Universal Health Insurance? Dr. Chia-Lun Liu 2022/01/04 10:00
【Theory webinar】The Gendered Effects of University Opening on Education and Career Choice Professor Stacey Chen (陳香如) 2021/12/28 14:30