【Macro/Finance webinar】Falling Interest Rates and Credit Reallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium Professor Vladimir Asriyan 2022/11/25 16:00
【CESS】Ideas Mobilize People: The Diffusion of Communist Ideology in China Professor Ruixue Jia (UC San Diego) 2022/11/22 10:00
【AEW webinar】The First- and Second-Generation Impacts of Free Secondary Education: Experimental Evidence from Ghana Professor Pascaline Dupas 2022/11/17 08:30
【Macro/Finance webinar】Jumpstarting an International Currency Professor Ricardo Reis 2022/11/11 16:00
【Macro/Finance webinar】Machine Learning and the Implementable Efficient Frontier Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen 2022/11/04 16:00
【AEW webinar】Exposure(s) to Trade and Earnings Dynamics: Evidence from the Collapse of Finnish-Soviet Trade & Bound by Ancestors: Immigration, Credit Frictions, and Global Supply Chain Formation Professor Jonathan Vogel 2022/10/27 08:30