【Job talk】Statistical analysis of greedy algorithms: Unit-root time series and scalable multi-task learning Mr. Shuo-Chieh Huang (黃碩傑) 2024/01/11 10:45
【AEW Webinar】Technology and Market Power: The United States Cement Industry, 1974-2019 Professor Nathan Miller 2024/01/11 08:30
【CESS】Macroeconomic and Global Implications of the Sex Ratio Imbalance in China Professor Shang-Jin Wei 2024/01/10 14:30
【CESS】The Trade War and American Soft Power: Evidence from Movies, Cars, Trust, and Online Searches Professor Shang-Jin Wei 2024/01/09 10:30
【Job talk】The self-selection of information and the belief update: An experiment on COVID-19 vaccine information Mr. Chien-Hsun Lin (林建勳) 2024/01/04 10:45
【Job talk】Preference Heterogeneity in Admission to Universities and the Effects of Minority Reserves: Improving Gender Balance in STEM Programs Mr. Yu-Kuan Chen (陳語寬) 2024/01/03 14:30
【Macro Seminar】Non-Tariff Barriers in the U.S.-China Trade War Professor Chang-Tai Hsieh 2024/01/02 14:30
【Job talk】Foreign Profit Shifting and The Welfare Responses to The US–China Trade War: Evidence from Manufacturers in Vietnam Mr. Sung-Ju Wu (吳松儒) 2023/12/28 14:30