【Brownbag】The Impact of Cognitive Capacity and Trust Level on Bayesian Updating
研討會日期 : 2023-10-13
時間 : 12:10
主講人 : Professor Yating Chuang
地點 : Conference Room B110
演講者簡介 : Professor Yating Chuang received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently an Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. She is an an applied microeconomist with research interests in environment, development, and gender.
演講摘要 : The past literature on decision theory and poverty behavior has explored the impacts of rational inattention on decision-making. However, these studies infrequently examine whether rational inattention is a result of a lack of trust or cognitive capacity, and the magnitude of these effects remained largely unexplored. In our study, we varied participants' trust levels by exposing them to different attitudinal articles and challenged their cognitive capacity by asking them to remember either one or two numbers during decision-making tasks. We use the prediction game as our main measurement of the rational decision to assess the effects of varying trust and cognitive capacity levels. The preliminary results indicate that trust interventions can mitigate biases, whereas cognitive burdens can weaken the benefits of the inherent cognitive level. Overall, innate cognitive capacity plays a more significant role in counteracting biases compared to trust. However, trust is more malleable and can be effectively adjusted to reduce biases.