in English
in English
Revision and Resubmission
- Chen, Been-Lon and Fei-Chi Liang,“Technical Change, Wage Inequality, and Optimal Taxes in An Assignment Model,” Quantitative Economics, revision and resubmission. (SSCI).[download]
Chen, Been-Lon, Zheng-ze Lai and Shian-Yu Liao,“Land-Price Dynamics and Macroeconomic Fluctuations with General Household Preferences,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Fei-Chi Liang,“Optimal Taxation in the Life Cycle with Human Capital Investment,” Review of Economic Dynamics, 52 (2024), 21-45. (SSCI).[download]
Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao,“News Shocks to Investment-specific Technology in Business Cycles,” European Economic Review,152, 104363. (SSCI).[download]
Chen, Been-Lon, Shian-Yu Liao, Dongpeng Liu and Xiangbo Liu,“Optimal Long-run Money Growth Rate in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Labor-Market Frictions,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 27, 1737-1766. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chih-Fang Lai (2022),“Optimal Education and Pension Policy in A Growth Model”Taiwan Economic Review, 50(4), 461-481.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai,“Optimal Capital Income Taxes in the infinite horizon model with Progressive Income Taxes,” Taiwan Economic Review, 49(3), 449-473.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Hung-Ju Chen and Ping Wang,“Long-Run Tax Incidence in a Human Capital-based Endogenous Growth Model with Labor-Market Frictions,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 25, 337-378. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yunfang Hu and Kazuo Mino,“Income Taxation Rules and Stability of a Small Open Economy,” Journal of Macroeconomics, 65, article 103236. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shun-Fa Lee and Xavier Raurich,“Non-separable Utilities and Aggregate Instability,” International Journal of Economic Theory, 16, 222-237. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu, “On Intergenerational Transmission between Parental Education and Learning Achievement of Pupils with Taiwan’s Data (臺灣親子教育跨代移轉機制之研究),” Taiwan Economic Review, 47(2), 217-272.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Yu‐Shan Hsu, “Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic Stability in Two‐sector Models with Social Constant Returns,” Journal of Economics , 125, 51-68.(SSCI, JEL)[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2018) “Durable Goods, Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50, 377-406.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chi-Fang Lai (2016), “Relation between Growth and Unemployment in a Model with Labor-Force Participation and Adverse Labor Institutions,” Journal of Macroeconomics, 50, 273-292.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2016), “Relative Effects of Labor Taxes on Employment and Working Hours: Role of Mechanisms Shaping Working Hours,” Journal of Economics, 117, 49-84. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yu-Shan Hsu and Kazuo Mino (2015), “Welfare Implications and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Growth Model with Consumption Externalities,” Macroeconomic Dynamics 19, 535-577.(SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2015), "Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Compensation on Labor Supply in a Search Model with an Endogenous Labor Force," Journal of Macroeconomics, 43, 300-317.(SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu (2015), “Optimal Capital Taxation in A Neoclassical Growth Model” (forthcoming), Journal of Public Economic Theory 17, 257-269. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, MeiHsu and Chih-Fang Lai (2015), "Relative Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Benefits on Hours Worked per Worker and Employment," Pacific Economic Review, 20, 282-309. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2015), "The Role of Agricultural Productivity on Structural Change," Review of Development Economics, 19, 971-987. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2014), "Capital, Credit Constraints and the Comovement between Consumer Durables and Nondurables," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 39, 127-139.(SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Azariadis, Costas, Been-Lon Chen, Chia-Hui Lu and Yin-Chi Wang (2012), “A Two-sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Leisure Externalities,” Journal of Economic Theory 148(2), 843–857. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu (2013), “Optimal Factor Tax Incidence in Two-sector Human Capital-based Models,” Journal of Public Economics 97(1), 75–94. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yu-Shan Hsu and Kazuo Mino (2013), “Can Consumption Habit Spillovers Be A Source of Equilibrium Indeterminacy?” Journal of Economics 109(3), 245-269. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2013), “Investment in Human Capital Accumulation and Growth: Analyzing Policy Effectiveness,” Human Capital Formation and Economic Growth in Asia and the Pacific, 37-61, Wendy Dobson (ed.), New York: Routledge. (JEL)
- Chen, Been-Lon, Jie-Ping Mo and Ping Wang (2012), “Two-Sided Micro-Matching with Technical Progress,” Economic Theory 50(2), 445-462. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Chien-Chieh Huang and Ping Wang (2012), “Locational Stratification by Environment,” Journal of Public Economic Theory 14(5), 711–735. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2012), “Intersectoral Spillovers, Relative Prices and Development Traps,” Review of Development Economics 16(2), 243-261.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Hung-Ju Chen and Ping Wang (2011), “Labor-Market Frictions, Human Capital Accumulation, and Long-Run Growth: Positive Analysis and Policy Evaluation,” International Economic Review 52(1), 131-160. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Lu, Chia-Hui, Been-Lon Chen and Mei Hsu (2011), “The Dynamic Welfare Cost of Seignorage Tax and Consumption Tax in a Neoclassical Growth Model with a Cash-in-advance Constraint,” Journal of Macroeconomics 33(2) 247-258. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Lu, Chia-Hui, Been-Lon Chen and Mei Hsu (2011), “The Dynamic Relationship between Inflation and Output Growth in a Cash-Constrained Economy,” B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 11 (Topics), Article 15, 1-27. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yu-Shan Hsu and Chia-Hui Lu (2011), “Friedman Meets Becker and Mulligan in a Monetary Neoclassical Growth Model,” Journal of Economics 104(2), 99–126. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Yu-Shan Hsu (2010), “A One-sector Growth Model with Consumption Standard: Indeterminate or Determinate?” Japanese Economic Review 61(1), 85-96. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Angus Chu (2010), “On R&D Spillovers, Multiple Equilibria and Indeterminacy,” Journal of Economics 100(3), 247-263. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang (2009), “Intergenerational Human Capital Evolution, Local Public Good Preferences, and Stratification,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33, 745-757. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2009), “Two-sector Growth Models with Productive Public Goods: Equilibrium (In)determinacy,” Southern Economic Journal 75(3), 639-662. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Yu-Shan Hsu (2009), “Is admiration a source of indeterminacy when the speed of habit formation is finite?” Economics Bulletin 29(4), 3041-3049. (JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2009), “Consumption Externality, Efficiency and Optimal Taxation in One-sector Growth Model,” Economic Modelling. 26(6), 1328–1334. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2009), “General Fund Financing, Earmarking, Economic Stabilization and Welfare,” Public Finance Review. 37(5), 507-508. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chia-Hui Lu (2008), “Inflation and Growth: Impatience and a Qualitative Equivalence,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 40(6), 1309-1323. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Kazuo Nishimura and Koji Shimomura (2008), “Time Preference and Two-country Trade,” International Journal of Economic Theory 4(1), 29-52. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shun-Fa Lee and Koji Shimomura (2008), “Import Tariffs and Growth in a Model with Habits,” in T. Kamihigashi and L. Zhao (eds.), International Trade and Economic Dynamics: Essay in Memory of Koji Shimomura, 297-316, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yeong-Yuh Chiang and Ping Wang (2008), “Credit Market Imperfections and Long-Run Macroeconomic Consequences,” Annals of Economics and Finance 9(1), 121-175. (JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2007), “Multiple BGPs in a Growth Model with Habit Persistence,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 39(1), 25-48. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2007), “Factor Taxation and Labor Supply in a Dynamic One-Sector Growth Model,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(12), 3941-3964. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2007), “Congestible Public Goods and Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Endogenous Growth Model,” Journal of Economic Dynamic and Control, 31(7), 2486-2518. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2007), “Admiration is a Source of Indeterminacy,” Economic Letters, 95(1), 96-103. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2006), “Economic Growth with Optimal Public spending Composition,” Oxford Economic Papers 58(1), 123-136. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chang, Jing-Jun, Been-Lon Chen and Mei Hsu (2006), “Agricultural Productivity and Economic Growth: Role of Tax Revenues and Infrastructures,” Southern Economic Journal 72(4), 891-914. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2006), “Public Capital, Endogenous Growth and Endogenous Fluctuations,” Journal of Macroeconomics 28, 768-774. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Ping Wang and Yeong-Yuh Chiang (2005), “Evaluation of Interest Tax Policies in a Model of Finance and Growth,” Journal of Macroeconomics 27(3), pp. 533-552. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Jang-Ting Guo (2005), “Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A simple Theoretical Synthesis,” Annals of Economics and Finance 6, 319-329. (JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yeong-Yuh Chiang and Ping Wang (2004), “Long-Run Consequences of Financial Policy in an Endogenously Growing Economy,” Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to Empirics, 219-240, in M. Boldrin, B-L Chen and P. Wang eds., Aldershot: Edward Elgar. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon and Ching-Cheng Chang (2004), “Productivity Growth and Catch-up in Less Developed Economies,” Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to Empirics, 93-128, in M. Boldrin, B-L Chen and P. Wang eds., Aldershot: Edward Elgar. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Michele Boldrin and Ping Wang (2004), “Introduction: A Quick Reference to Growth Theory,” Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to Empirics, 1-20,in M. Boldrin, B-L Chen and P. Wang eds., Aldershot: Edward Elgar. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon (2003), “Tax Evasion in a Model of Endogenous Growth,” Review of Economic Dynamics 6, 381-403. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2003), “An Inverted-U Relationship between Inequality and Long-run Growth,” Economics Letters 78, 205-212. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Jie-Ping Mo, and Ping Wang (2002), “Market Frictions, Technology Adoption and Growth,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 26, 1927-54. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2001), “Time-Series Wage Differential in Taiwan: the Role of International Trade,” Review of Development Economics 5(2), 336-354. (JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2001), “Coordination Failures and Catchup: Experience of Man-made Fibre in Taiwan,” in Taiwan in the Global Economy: From an Agrarian Economy to an Exporter of High-Tech Products, Peter Chow ed., 39-75, London: Praeger. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Tain-Ty Chen and Yun-Peng Chu (2001), “The Role of Textile and Man-Made Fibre in the Process of Industrialization: The Case of Taiwan,” in Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, Poh-Kam Wong and Chee-Yuen Ng (eds.), 283-322, Singapore: Singapore University Press.
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yung-Peng Chu and Tain-Jy Chen (2001), “Rethinking The Development Paradigm: Lessons from Taiwan: The Optimal Degree of State Intervention.” in Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, Poh-Kam Wong and Chee-Yuen Ng (eds.), 245-282, Singapore: Singapore University Press.
- Chen, Been-Lon, Tain-Jy Chen and Yung-Peng Chu (2001), “The Development of Taiwan's Electronics Industry,” in Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, Poh-Kam Wong and Chee-Yuen Ng (eds.), 245-282, Singapore: Singapore University Press.
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2000), “Labor Productivity of Small and Large Manufacturing Firms: the Case of Taiwan,”Contemporary Economic Policy 18(3), 270-283. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (1999), “Openness and Economic Growth: Evidence of East Asia and Latin America,” Journal of Economic Integration, 14(2), 265-295. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Ko-Yung Shih (1999), “Growth and Catch-up in a Cross Section of Manufacturing Industries,” in G. Ranis, S. Hu and P. Chu (eds.), The Economics and Political Economy of Development in Taiwan in to 21st Century, 51-77, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Jing-Yi Chen and Mei Hsu (1999), “Technology Adoption and Technical Efficiency in a Developing Economy: Foreign Investment Led Versus Export Performance Promoted,” in T. Fu, C. Huang and K. Lovell (eds.), The Efficiency and Productivity of Asian Pacific Countries, 213-234, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon and Koji Shimomura (1998), “Self-Fulfilling Expectations and Economic Growth: A model of Technology Adoption and Industrialization,” International Economic Review, 39(1), pp. 151-170. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (1998), “Review on the Political Economy of Industrial Policy: the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan and South Korea,” Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 12(2), 56-57. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon (1997), “Economic Growth,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 21, 895-898. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (1997), “Technology Adoption and Economic Growth: Evidence of Cross-Developing Economies,” Academia Economic Paper 25(3), 1-33. (TSSCI, JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon (1996), “Picking winners and industrialization in Taiwan,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 5(2), 137-159. (JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon, Vei-Lin Chan and Kee-Nan Cheung (1995), “External Economies in Taiwan's manufacturing industries,” Contemporary Economic Policy 13, 118-130. (SSCI, JEL).
- Chen, Been-Lon (1995), “Self-fulfilling Expectations, History and Big Push: A Search Equlibrium Model of Unemployment,” Journal of Economics 61(3), 245-271. (JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (1994), “Limited Diffusion of Technology, Learning Incentives and a Low Level of Industrialization,” Journal of Economic Development 19(2), 253-272. (JEL).