Been-Lon Chen
Professor and Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.
Professor (adjunct), Department of Economics, National Taiwan University.
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica,128
Academia Road Section 2, Taipei 11529,TAIWAN
Tel: 886-2-2782-2791 ext. 309
Fax: 886-2-2785-3946
Email: bchen@econ.sinica.edu.tw
Current positions held
●1999/4-:Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
●1999/8-:Professor (adjunct), Department of Economics, National Taiwan University
●University of California, Los Angeles, 1987/10-1991/12, (Ph.D. in Economics)
●National Taiwan University, 1983/9-1985/6, (M.A. in Economics)
●National Taiwan University, 1979/9-1983/6, (B.A. in Economics)
Past working experience
●2019-2025: National Pension Insurance Actuarial Review Committee Member, Ministry of Health and Welfare
●2022-2023: Member of National Income Statistics Committee, Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
●2019-2022: Asian Standing Committee Member, Econometric Society
●2020: External Evaluation Committee, College of Social Science, National ChengChi University
●2019 : Selection Committee of Distinguished Professor, College of Social Science, National ChengChi University
●2017 : Selection Committee of Distinguished Professor, College of Social Science, National ChengChi University
●2017: Review Committee of Scholarship Studying Abroad, Ministry of Education
●2016: Review Committee of Scholarship Studying Abroad, Ministry of Education
●2013-2015:Board member, H&Q Taiwan
●2013-2015:Board member, Dragon Investment Fund
●2013-2015:Board member, Asia Global Venture Capital II Co.
●2013: External Evaluation Committee, College of Social Science, National ChengChi University
●2010/06-2010/07:Visiting Professor, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University
●2009: Evaluation Committee, Department of Economics, National Chung Cheng University
●2009: External Evaluation Committee, Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University
●2007/08-2008/08:Visiting Professor, Washington University in St Louis
●2007: Interview Committee of Erasmus Programme Scholarship, Ministry of Education
●2006-2008: Employee Benefit Fund Management Committee Member, Academia Sinica
●2004/08-2007/08:Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
●2003-2005: The Third Academia Sinica Traffic Management Committee Member, Academia Sinica
●2001/04-2002/03:Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
●1993/01-1999/04:Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
●1992/08-1999/12:Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Economics, National Central University
●1993/06-1993/09:Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Duke University
●1985/10-1992/12:Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
●1988/10-1991/12:Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, UCLA
●1994:Senior Examinations Reviewer, Examination Yuan of ROC
●Economic Growth and Industrial Economics
Publications in English
- Chen, Been-Lon and Fei-Chi Liang,“Technical Change, Wage Inequality, and Optimal Taxes in An Assignment Model,” Quantitative Economics, revision and resubmission. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Zheng-ze Lai and Shian-Yu Liao,“Land-Price Dynamics and Macroeconomic Fluctuations with General Household Preferences,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Fei-Chi Liang (2024),“Optimal Taxation in the Life Cycle with Human Capital Investment,” Review of Economic Dynamics, 52, 21-45. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2023),“News Shocks to Investment-specific Technology in Business Cycles,” European Economic Review,152, 104363. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shian-Yu Liao (2023), Dongpeng Liu and Xiangbo Liu,“Optimal Long-run Money Growth Rate in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Labor-Market Frictions,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 27, 1737-1766. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chih-Fang Lai (2022), “Optimal Education and Pension Policy in A Growth Model”Taiwan Economic Review, 50(4), 461-481.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2021),“Optimal Capital Income Taxes in the infinite horizon model with Progressive Income Taxes,” Taiwan Economic Review, 49(3), 449-473.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Hung-Ju Chen and Ping Wang (2021),“Long-Run Tax Incidence in a Human Capital-based Endogenous Growth Model with Labor-Market Frictions,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 25, 337-378. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yunfang Hu and Kazuo Mino (2020),“Income Taxation Rules and Stability of a Small Open Economy,” Journal of Macroeconomics 65, article 103236. (SSCI).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shun-Fa Lee and Xavier Raurich (2020),“Non-separable Utilities and Aggregate Instability,” International Journal of Economic Theory 16, 222-237. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Mei Hsu (2019), “On Intergenerational Transmission between Parental Education and Learning Achievement of Pupils with Taiwan's Data (臺灣親子教育跨代移轉機制之研究),”Taiwan Economic Review 47 (2): 217-272.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Yu‐Shan Hsu (2018), “Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic Stability in Two‐sector Models with Social Constant Returns,” Journal of Economics (SSCI, JEL), 125, 51-68.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2018) “Durable Goods, Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50, 377-406.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chi-Fang Lai (2016), “Relation between Growth and Unemployment in a Model with Labor-Force Participation and Adverse Labor Institutions,” Journal of Macroeconomics 50, 273-292.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2016), “Relative Effects of Labor Taxes on Employment and Working Hours: Role of Mechanisms Shaping Working Hours,” Journal of Economics 117, 49-84. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yu-Shan Hsu and Kazuo Mino (2015), “Welfare Implications and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Growth Model with Consumption Externalities,” Macroeconomic Dynamics 19, 535-577.(SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2015), "Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Compensation on Labor Supply in a Search Model with an Endogenous Labor Force," Journal of Macroeconomics, 43, 300-317.(SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu (2015), “Optimal Capital Taxation in A Neoclassical Growth Model” (forthcoming), Journal of Public Economic Theory 17, 257-269. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, MeiHsu and Chih-Fang Lai (2015), "Relative Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Benefits on Hours Worked per Worker and Employment," Pacific Economic Review, 20, 282-309. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2015), "The Role of Agricultural Productivity on Structural Change," Review of Development Economics 19, 971-987. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Azariadis, Costas, Been-Lon Chen, Chia-Hui Lu and Yin-Chi Wang (2012), “A Two-sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Leisure Externalities,” Journal of Economic Theory 148(2), 843–857. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu (2013), “Optimal Factor Tax Incidence in Two-sector Human Capital-based Models,” Journal of Public Economics 97(1), 75–94. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Yu-Shan Hsu and Kazuo Mino (2013), “Can Consumption Habit Spillovers Be A Source of Equilibrium Indeterminacy?” Journal of Economics 109(3), 245-269. (SSCI, JEL).[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon (2013), “Investment in Human Capital Accumulation and Growth: Analyzing Policy Effectiveness,” Human Capital Formation and Economic Growth in Asia and the Pacific, 37-61, Wendy Dobson (ed.), New York: Routledge. (JEL)
Working Papers
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2019), “Optimal Capital Income Taxes in the infinite horizon model with Progressive Income Taxes," IEAS Working Paper No. 19-A004, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Yu-Shan Hsu (2018), “Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic Stability in Two‐sector Models with Social Constant Returns," IEAS Working Paper No. 18-A003, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Shun‐Fa Lee and Xavier Raurich (2018), “Non‐separable Utilities and Aggregate Instability," IEAS Working Paper No. 18-A002, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2017), “Durable Goods, Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem," IEAS Working Paper No. 17-A007, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Chih-Fang Lai (2014), “Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Compensation on Labor Supply in a Search Model with an Endogenous Labor Force," IEAS Working Paper No. 14-A015, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Chih-Fang Lai (2014), “Relative Effects of Labor Taxes and Unemployment Benefits on Hours Worked per Worker and Employment,” IEAS Working Paper No. 14-A014, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]
- Chen, Been-Lon and Shian-Yu Liao (2014), “The Role of Agricultural Productivity on Structural Change,” IEAS Working Paper No. 14-A007, Academia Sinica, Institute of Economics.[download]