【Macro/Finance webinar】Corporate Governance in the Presence of Active and Passive Delegated Investment Professor Nadya Malenko 2021/08/06 09:00
【Theory webinar】Blood Allocation with Replacement Donors: A Theory of Multi-unit Exchange with Compatibility-based Preferences Professor Utku Unver 2021/07/20 09:00
【Theory webinar】How To Sell (or Procure) in a Sequential Auction Market Professor Thomas Wiseman 2021/07/13 09:00
【Macro/Finance webinar】Interest Rates, Market Power, and Financial Stability Professor Rafael Repullo 2021/06/18 16:00
【Macro/Finance webinar】COVID-19, Seignorage, Quantitative Easing and the Fiscal- Monetary Nexus Professor Alexander Cukierman 2021/05/28 16:00