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17-A010 | 2017/08/14 2017/08/14 |
Monotonicity Treat for Local Average Treatment Effects Under Regression Discontinuity
Yu-Chin Hsu, Shu Shen, Aug. 2017 |
17-A009 | 2017/08/14 2017/08/14 |
Quantile Treatment Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Covariates
Yu-Chin Hsu, Chung-Ming Kuan, Giorgio Teng-Yu Lo, Aug. 2017 |
17-A008 | 2017/06/19 2017/06/19 |
Pension Reform in Taiwan: the Path to Long-Run Sustainability
Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Hsuan-Chih (Luke) Lin, Atsuko Tanaka, June 2017 |
17-A007 | 2017/05/31 2017/06/02 |
Durable Goods, Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem
Been-Lon Chen, Shian-Yu Liao, May, 2017 |
17-A006 | 2017/05/11 2017/05/11 |
黃登興, 黃幼宜, 蔡青龍, May, 2017 |
17-A005 | 2017/04/18 2018/04/09 |
Inference after Model Averaging in Linear Regression Models
Xinyu Zhang and Chu-An Liu, Apr. 2018 |
17-A004 | 2017/02/09 2017/02/09 |
Asymmetric Globalization and Specialization
Cheng-Te Lee, Deng-Shing Huang, Feb. 2017 |
17-A003 | 2017/01/16 2017/01/16 |
Do Cross-Sectional Stock Return Predictors Pass the Test without Data-Snooping Bias?
Yu-Chin Hsu, Hsiou-Wei Lin, Kendro Vincent, Jan. 2017 |
17-A002 | 2017/01/09 2017/01/09 |
Internally Consistent Estimation of Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Correlated Random Effects
Yu-Chin Hsu, Ji-Liang Shiu, Jan. 2017 |
17-A001 | 2017/01/09 2017/01/09 |
Analyzing the Performance of Multi-Factor Investment Strategies under Multiple Testing Framework
Yu-Chin Hsu, Hsiou-Wei Lin, Kendro Vincent, Jan. 2017 |