


The 2021 Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop was held on December 1-2, 2021. The workshop forum, “Economic Policy in the Post COVID-19 Era,” was given in the morning of the first day. The forum was chaired by Dr. Chung-Shu Wu (Chairman, Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance) and led by Emeritus Professor Tsong-Min Wu (National Taiwan University), who discussed “the Past and the Future of the Central Bank.” Four panelists were Dr. Been-Lon Chen (Academia Sinica), Dr. Ray Yeutien Chou (Academia Sinica), Dr. Roy Chun Lee (the Taiwan WTO and RTA Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research), and Professor Yiting Li (National Taiwan University).


後疫情時代的經濟政策論壇影音檔案 (吳聰敏教授引言投影片、李怡庭教授與談投影片、陳明郎教授與談投影片)