許育進, Martin Huber, 李盈瑩, 劉祝安 Testing Monotonicity of Mean Potential Outcomes in a Continuous Treatment with High-Dimensional Data (forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics) 2023/11/09
張庭源 Schooling, Skill Demand and Differential Fertility in the Process of Structural Transformation (American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2023) 2023/10/02
許文泰, 陸琳, Pierre M. Picard Income Inequality, Productivity, and International Trade (Economic Theory, 2023) 2023/07/10
許文泰, 林軒馳, 楊宗翰 Between Lives and Economy: COVID-19 Containment Policy in Open Economies (European Economic Review, 2023) 2023/07/07
Jean-Paul L’Huillier, Sanjay R. Singh, 劉東勳 Incorporating Diagnostic Expectations into the New Keynesian Framework (Review of Economic Studies, 2023) 2023/07/04
陳宜廷, 劉祝安 Model Averaging for Asymptotically Optimal Combined Forecasts (Journal of Econometrics, 2023) 2023/06/19
許育進, 黃大正, 徐海清 Testing for Unobserved Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Observational Data (Econometric Theory, 2023) 2023/05/29
廖先昱, 陳明郎 News Shocks to Investment-specific Technology in Business Cycles (European Economic Review, 2023) 2023/05/29
陳煒林, 林明仁, 楊子霆 Curriculum and National Identity: Evidence from the 1997 Curriculum Reform in Taiwan (Journal of Development Economics, 2023) 2023/05/05