- 總體與貨幣 - 財政政策總體效果、DSGE模型、發展經濟
- Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (April 2021-)
- Acting Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (August 2022-)
- Senior Economist, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund, Aug 2018-Mar 2021
- Director, Institute of Economics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Feb 2015-Jul 2018
- Professor, Institute of Economics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Aug 2014-Jul 2018
- Senior Economist, Research Department, International Monetary Fund, Jun 2010-Jul 2014
- Principal Analyst, Macroeconomic Analysis Division, Congressional Budget Office, Nov 2008-Apr 2010
- Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Feb 2007-Oct 2008
- Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, United States Congress, Aug 2004-Jan 2007
- Assistant Professor, John Carroll University, Aug 2003-Jul 2004
- Research Assistant, Center for Econometric Model Research, Indiana University, 2000-2003
- Research Assistant, Eric M. Leeper, Indiana University, Summer 1999, Summer 2000
- Legal Assistant, Law Offices of Wendell K. Hu, Los Angeles, 1995-1996
- 教育部學術獎, 2023
- 科技部研究傑出獎, 經濟學門, 2016, 2022
- 傑出人才發展基金會積極爭取國外優秀年輕學者獎助, 2015
- 科技部大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才獎助, 2014
- Recognition of Outstanding Contribution: A Special Spot Award and A Special Department Award, International Monetary Fund, 2013
- Outstanding Contribution to the Formation of the Tax Laws of the United States of America, 108th-110th Congress, 2007
- Mao, R., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2024), "Can Passive Monetary Policy Decrease Debt Burden?", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 159, 104802. 相關連結
- Chang, J.J., C.-H. Kuo, H.-Y. Lin, S.-C. S. Yang (2023), "Share Buybacks and Corporate Tax Cuts", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 151, 104622. 相關連結
- Mao, R., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2023), "Uncertain Policy Regimes and Government Spending Effects", European Economic Review, 152, 104330. 相關連結
- Bi, H., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2022), "Fiscal Implications of Interest Rate Normalization in the United States", Canadian Journal of Economics, 55(2), 868-904. 相關連結
- Chang J.-J., H.-Y. Lin, N. Traum, and S.-C. S. Yang (2021), "Fiscal Consolidation and Public Wages", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53 (2-3), (IMF Working Paper 19/125) 503-533. 相關連結
- Fotiou A., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2020), "The Fiscal State-Dependent Effects of Capital Income Tax Cuts", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 117 (August), 1-21. 相關連結
- Chang J.-J., H.-Y. Lin, C.-H. Su, and S.-C. S. Yang (2019), "The Macroeconomic Effects of Fluctuating Tourism Receipts", Academia Economic Papers, 47(2), (in Chinese) 163-207. 相關連結
- Fu C.-Y., H.-Y. Lin, and S.-C. S. Yang (2018), "Tax Reform and the Underground Economy in Taiwan: a DSGE Approach", Taiwan Economic Forecasts and Policies, 49(1), (in Chinese) 1-45. 相關連結
- Shen W. and S.-C. S. Yang (2018), "Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity and State-Dependent Government Spending Multipliers", Journal of Monetary Economics, 98, 11-26. 相關連結
- Shen W., S.-C. S. Yang, and F.-L. Zanna (2018), "Government Spending Effects in Low-Income Countries", Journal of Development Economics, 133, (IMF Working Paper 15/286, substantially revised from ''The Effects of Government Spending under Limited Capital Mobility,'' IMF Working Paper 12/129) 201-219. 相關連結
- Deléchat C. and S.-C. S. Yang et al. (2017), "Harnessing Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth in Fragile West Africa", Journal of African Economies, 26(2), (revised from IMF Working Paper 15/25) 256-293. 相關連結
- Bi H., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2016), "Fiscal Limits in Developing Countries: a DSGE Approach", Journal of Macroeconomics, 49, (revised from IMF Working Paper 14/49) 119-130. 相關連結
- Bi H., W. Shen, and S.-C. S. Yang (2016), "Debt-Dependent Effects of Fiscal Expansions", European Economic Review, 88, 142-157. 相關連結
- Melina G., S.-C. S. Yang, and F. Zanna (2016), "Debt Sustainability, Public Investment, and Natural Resources in Developing Countries: the DIGNAR Model", Economic Modelling, 52, (revised from IMF Working Paper 14/50) 630-649. 相關連結
- Richmond C., I. Yackovlev, and S.-C. S. Yang (2015), "Investing Volatile Resource Revenues in Capital-Scarce Economies", Pacific Economic Review, 20(1), (IMF Working Paper 13/147) 193-221. 相關連結
- Traum N. and S.-C. S. Yang (2015), "When Does Government Debt Crowd Out Investment?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30, (CBO Working Paper 2010-002) 24-45. 相關連結
- Leeper E., T. Walker, and S.-C. S. Yang (2013), "Fiscal Foresight and Information Flows", Econometrica, 81(3), (NBER Working Paper 14630, 14028; IMF Working Paper 12/153) 1115-1145. 相關連結
- Berg A., R. Portillo, S.-C. S. Yang, and L.-F. Zanna (2013), "Public Investment in Resource-Abundant Developing Countries", IMF Economic Review, 61(1), (IMF Working Paper 12/247) 92-129. 相關連結
- Traum N. and S.-C. S. Yang (2011), "Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in the Post-war U.S.", European Economic Review, 55(1), (IMF Working Paper 10/243) 140-164. 相關連結
- Leeper E., T. Walker, and S.-C. S. Yang (2010), "Government Investment and Fiscal Stimulus", Journal of Monetary Economics, 57(8), (NBER Working Paper 15153; IMF Working Paper 10/229) 1000-1012. 相關連結
- Leeper E. and S.-C. S. Yang (2008), "Dynamic Scoring: Alternative Financing Schemes", Journal of Public Economics, 92, (NBER Working Paper 12103) 159-182. 相關連結
- Yang S.-C. S. (2007), "Do Capital Income Tax Cuts Trickle Down?", National Tax Journal, 60(3), 551-567. 相關連結
- Yang S.-C. S. (2007), "Tentative Evidence of Tax Foresight", Economics Letters, 96(1), 30-37. 相關連結
- Yang S.-C. S. (2005), "Quantifying Tax Effects under Policy Foresight", Journal of Monetary Economics, 52(8), 1557-1568. 相關連結