Ph.D. in Economics, University of Michigan (2006)
研究領域: 應用計量經濟學、法律經濟學
Email : ever at econ.sinica.edu.tw
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Michigan (2006)
- 應用計量經濟學
- 法律經濟學
- 國立成功大學經濟學系教授, 2020.8 迄今
- 中央研究院經濟研究兼任副研究員, 2020.10 迄今
- 國立成功大學社會科學院副院長, 2016.02-2016.07
- 國立成功大學經濟學系副教授, 2015.2-2020.7
- 國立臺灣大學經濟系兼任助理教授, 2014.02-2014.07
- 國立中央大學經濟系兼任助理教授, 2007.08-2013.07, 2014.02-2015.01
- 中央研究院經濟研究所助研究員, 2006.07-2015.01
- 國立成功大學106學年度教學傑出教師, 2018
- 中研院法學期刊 (TSSCI) 2011 年度論文獎, 2011
- Chang, Juin Jen, Chang Ching Lin, Hsieh Yu Lin(2016), "Great ratios and international openness", International Review of Economics and Finance, 41 (na) 110-121. (SSCI)
- Huang, Kuo-Chang and Chang-Ching Lin(2013), "Rescuing Confidence in the Judicial System: Introducing Lay Participation in Taiwan", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 10 (3) 542-569. (SSCI)
- Chang, Ming-Jen, Chang-Ching Lin and Shou-Yung Yin(2013), "The Behavior of Real Exchange Rates: The Case of Japan", Pacific Economic Review, 18 (4) 530-545. (SSCI)
- Chen, Yi-Chi and Chang-Ching Lin(2012), "Information Shocks and Cigarette Addiction: Views from Dynamic Panels with Common Structural Changes", Applied Economics, 44 (35) 4651-4660. (SSCI)
- Shaw, Daigee, Arwin Pang, Chang-Ching Lin, and Ming-Feng Hung(2010), "Economic Growth and Air Quality in China", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 12 (1) 79-96. (EconLit)
- Chen, Yi-Ting and Chang-Ching Lin(2008), "On the Robustness of Symmetry Tests for Stock Returns", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 12 (2) Article 2. (SSCI)
- Lin, Chang-Ching, Yun-chien Chang and Kong-Pin Chen(2020), "Knowledge in Youth is Wisdom in Age: An Empirical Study of Attorney Experience in Torts Litigation", International Review of Law & Economics, 63 (Forthcoming) (SSCI) (Online:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irle.2020.105913)
- Wang, Chien Ho, Chang Ching Lin, Shu Hui Lin, and Hung Yu Lai(2020), "A new dynamic hedging model with futures: The kalman filter error-correction model", Journal of Risk, 22 (4) 61-78. (SSCI)
- 林明仁、林常青、張俊仁、曹添旺、楊浩彥(2019), "經濟學門學術期刊評比更新: 2019 年", 經濟論文叢刊, 47 (4) 503-542。 (TSSCI)
- Yin, Shou-Yung, Chu-An Liu and Chang-Ching Lin(2019), "Focused Information Criterion and Model Averaging for Large Panels with a Multifactor Error Structure", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, (Accepted) (SSCI) (https://doi.org/10.1080/07350015.2019.1623044)
- 林常青、胡偉民(2019), "市場界定模式分析量化方法之應用-以臺灣非酒精飲料商品為例", 公平交易季刊, 27 (3) 143-190。 (TSSCI, 法律學第二級)
- Chiu, Chung-Yueh, Chang-Ching Lin and Chih-Hai Yang(2019), "Technological Catching-up between Two ASEAN Members and China: A Metafrontier Approach", China Economic Review, 54 (na) 15-25. (SSCI)
- Chen, Yi-Chi, Chang-Ching Lin, and Chor-yiu Sin(2019), "A Nonlinear View of Long-Run PPP using Cross-sectionally Dependent Heterogeneous Panels", Taiwan Economic Review, 47 (1) 1-40. (TSSCI)
- 黃國昌, 陳恭平, 林常青(2017), "台灣人民對法院的信任支持及觀感─以對法官判決之公正性及對法院表現的滿意度為中心", 台灣政治學刊, 21 (1) 51-112。(TSSCI, 政治學第一級)
- 林常青, 張俊仁, 盧姝璇(2017), "薪資停滯?事實陳述與亞洲跨國比較", 人文及社會科學集刊, 29 (1) 87-125。(TSSCI, 綜合類第一級)
- 林常青, 陳恭平, 黃國昌, 游雅婷(2016), "2011年台灣人民法律紛爭面訪:設計及基本統計", 調查研究—方法與應用, 36 (na) 87-123。(TSSCI, 社會學第一級)
- Lin, Chang-Ching, Chu-Ping Lo and Pei-Ing Wu(2016), "Labour Resources Misallocation from Agricultural Productivity Gap: Evidence from Theory to Practice", Empirical Economics Letters, 15 (12) 1-30. (JEL)
- 林常青、陳恭平、黃國昌、賴宏彬(2015), "臺灣人民常見的法律紛爭類型及解決:城鄉差異、人口及社經特性", 臺灣社會學刊, 58 (na) 157-190。(TSSCI , 社會學第一級)
- Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang, and Chang-Ching Lin(2015), "Party Capability versus Court Preference: Why the ‘Haves’ Come Out Ahead", Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 31 (1) 93-124. (SSCI)
- Huang, Kuo-Chang and Chang-Ching Lin (2014), "Mock Jury Trials in Taiwan—Paving the Ground for Introducing Lay Participation", Law and Human Behavior, 38 (4) 367-77. (SSCI)
- Huang, Kuo-Chang, Chang-Ching Lin, and Kong-Pin Chen(2014), "Do Rich and Poor Behave Similarly in Seeking Legal Advice? Lessons from Taiwan in Comparative Perspective", Law & Society Review, 48 (1) 193-223. (SSCI)
- Lo, Joan C., Yi-Chen Hong and Chang-Ching Lin(2013), "Healthcare Utilization of Bereaved Family Members Following the 1999 Chi-chi Earthquake: Evidence from Administrative Data", Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 75 (5) 484-490. (SCI, SSCI)
- Lin, Chang-Ching and Serena Ng(2012), "Estimation of Panel Data Models with Parameter Heterogeneity when Group Membership Is Unknown", Journal of Econometric Methods, 1 (1) 42-55. (Peer-reviewed)
- Huang, Kuo-Chang, Kong-Pin Chen, and Chang-Ching Lin(2010), "An Empirical Investigation of Settlement and Litigation-The Case of Taiwanese Labor Disputes", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 7 (4) 786-810. (SSCI)
- Chen , Yi-Chi and Chang-Ching Lin(2010), "Threshold Effects in Cigarette Addiction: An Application of the Threshold Model in Dynamic Panels", Economics Bulletin, 30 (4) 3128-3142. (EconLit)
- 黃國昌、林常青、陳恭平(2010), "勞資爭議協調程序之實證研究-以「政府協調」與「民間協調」之比較為中心", 中研院法學期刊, 7 (na) 209-267。(TSSCI after 2011)
- Huang, Kuo-Chang, Kong-Pin Chen and Chang-Ching Lin(2010), "Does The Type of Criminal Defense Counsel Affect Case Outcomes? -- A Natural Experiment in Taiwan", International Review of Law & Economics, 30 (2010) 113-127. (SSCI)
- 林常青, 洪茂蔚, 與管中閔(2002), "台灣短期利率的動態行為:狀態轉換模型的應用", 經濟論文, 30 (1) 29-55。(TSSCI)
- Lin, Chang-Ching and Shinichi Sakata(2013), "On Long-Run Covariance Matrix Estimation with the Truncated Flat Kernel", X. Chen and N. R. Swanson eds, Recent Advances and Future Directions in Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis (383-410) New York Springer New York
- Huang, Shu-Chin Huang and Chang-Ching Lin(2013), "Outward FDI to China and the Parent Firm’s Ability to Create Value Added per Worker", E. Guillon and L. Chauvet, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Policies, Economic Impacts and Global Perspectives (103–126) New York Nova