


Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis (2018)

研究領域: 總體經濟學、經濟發展、技術變動與成長、人口經濟學與經濟史

Email : terrycheung at econ.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2782-2791#307

研究室 : C201


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis (2018)

  • 其他 - 總體經濟學, 經濟發展、技術變動與成長、人口經濟學與經濟史

  • T. Terry Cheung(2017), "Schooling, Skill Demand and Differential Fertility in the Process of Structural Transformation"
  • T. Terry Cheung, Theodore Palivos, Ping Wang, Yin-Chi Wang, Chong K. Yip(2017), "Dynamic Trade, Endogenous Institutions and the Colonization of Hong Kong: A Staged Development Framework"
  • T. Terry Cheung(2017), "The Age of Neoslavery: Barriers to Tractor Adoption in the Postbellum U.S. South"
  • Ta-Chien Chan, T. Terry Cheung, I-Chun Fan, Ping Wang(2017), "The Rise of Shanghai: Civil War, Trade and Business Culture"