Two-Sided Learning, with Applications To Labor Turnover And Displacement
研討會日期 : 2002-08-23
時間 : 15:00
主講人 : Prof. Daniel Hamermesh
地點 : B棟110室
演講者簡介 : Prof. Daniel Hamermesh為Ph.D. in Economics,Yale University (1969)。
目前為Rosita and Esteban Herczeg Professor of Economics,Hebrew University及Professor,Department of Economics,University of Texas,並為世界計量經濟學會院士。
演講摘要 : We construct a general dynamic structural model of two-sided learning between a single party and the multiple members of a second party. The single party alters its behavior toward members of the other party based on its observations of the multiple party's members' past behavior; and members of the multiple party learn about their future treatment by observing past treatment of their colleagues. We apply this model to firing/quitting decisions in a declining firm and find that the firm does learn about its workers' loyalty from other workers' past quit behavior. Our results indicate that a once-and-for-all reorganization early in the process of corporate demise is sub-optimal, for it prevents the firm from taking advantage of learning about employees' attachment. Because of learning and other nonrandom effects, the characteristics of workers who remain until the firm's death differ from those of all affected workers. The data thus allow us to infer the extent of biases in estimated losses from displacement from samples restricted to displaced workers.