【Brownbag】The Tower of Babel: Localization, Translation, and International Trade Professor Han Yang (楊宗翰) 2022/09/02 11:30
【Brownbag】Does Combining General Election and Electoral Referendum Increase the Voter Turnout? A Gamified Experimental Study Professor Wei Chen (陳暐) 2022/08/19 12:10
【Brownbag】Inference for ROC Curves Based on Estimated Predictive Indices Professor Yu-Chin Hsu (許育進) 2022/08/05 12:10
【Brownbag】Education Attainment and Structural Transformation Professor Terry Cheung (張庭源) 2022/07/22 12:10
【Brownbag】Inclusive Origins of Rapid Industrialization: the Persistent Effects of the Colonial Bank Networks on Taiwan’s Economic Miracle Mr. Shao-Yu Jheng (鄭紹鈺) 2022/07/15 12:10