演講者簡介 : Shao-Yu Jheng is a Pre-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Economics at Harvard University supporting Professor Melissa Dell with research related to political economy and economic development in historical Japan for two lines of research. He is jointly developing new deep learning methods, from multi-modal record linkage to graph neural networks, to unlock the potential of large-scale Japanese historical archival data, which can be used to answer big questions about the East Asian miracle. He is also assisting Professor Dell's research team in cultivating several novel NLP methods, for example, measuring language change of a large text corpus, like historical American newspapers or scientific journals in the past century, to examine several. He received his M.A. in economics, and his B.A. in foreign languages and literatures from National Taiwan University. His research fields are Development, Industrial Organization, Economic History, Political Economy and Deep Learning.
演講摘要 : This is an early research proposal of studying the role of super big firms (Chaebols) in South Korea's economic miracle. We will briefly discuss Chaebols' role in South Korea's industrialization, provide historical evidence of the network nature, list relevant historical datasets to investigate (alone with an digitization pipeline via AI tools), and propose some early thoughts of empirical strategies.