
【AEW Webinar】Attribute-based Subsidies and Market Power: an Application to Electric Vehicles

  • 研討會日期 : 2023-05-11
  • 時間 : 08:30
  • 主講人 : Professor Panle Jia Barwick
  • 地點 : Register and join online
  • 演講者簡介 : Professor Panle Jia Barwick received her PhD in Economics from Yale University. She is currently the Todd E. and Elizabeth H. Warnock Distinguished Chair Professor in the Department of Economics at UW-Madison. Her expertise includes Industrial Organization, Chinese Economy, Applied Microeconomics, and Applied Econometrics with a strong interest in environmental economics.
  • 演講摘要 : TBA
  • Working Paper Title : Trade Policy Uncertainty, Offshoring, and the Environment: Evidence from US Manufacturing Establishments
  • Working Paper Speaker : Professor Ziho Park received his PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago in 2021. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the National Taiwan University. His research interests are International Trade, Macroeconomics, Environment, and Corporate Finance.
  • Working Paper Abstract : We study long-run environmental impacts of trade liberalization on US manufacturing and the underlying mechanism by exploiting a plausibly exogenous reduction in US trade policy uncertainty: the conferral of Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to China. Using detailed data on establishment-level pollution emissions and business characteristics—including trade activities and global subsidiary information—from 1997 to 2017, we show that establishments reduce toxic emissions in response to a reduction in trade policy uncertainty. Emission abatement is mainly driven by a decline in pollution emission intensity, and not by establishment exits or a reduction in production scale. Emission reduction is more pronounced for (i) establishments with foreign sourcing networks, (ii) those under more stringent environmental regulations, (iii) those operating in more upstream industries, and (iv) those that belong to a multi-sector firm. We provide further evidence that supports the pollution haven hypothesis whereby offshoring is central to the mechanism—US manufacturers, especially those that emit pollutants more intensely, begin to source from abroad and establish more subsidiaries in China after PNTR.