Unfair Pricing in the Information Economy:Implications for Consumer Welfare
研討會日期 : 2004-01-13
時間 : 15:00
主講人 : 黃明蕙教授
地點 : B棟110室
演講者簡介 : 黃明蕙教授為Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1994)。
其主要研究領域為Electronic Commerce、Information Economy、Internet Marketing Strategy、Econometric Methods、Information Systems Theory、Internet Advertising、Strategic Communication。
演講摘要 : This article presents an economic analysis of information good pricing and consumer welfare and discusses the fairness of price discrimination in the information economy. It is argued that network externalities coupled with information asymmetry enable a dominant marketer to price unfairly through extracting late adopters’ surplus to compensate for the loss from early adopters. In the short term the minority early adopters benefit from paying less but in the long term the majority late adopters suffer from paying more. Considering late adopters are at a disadvantage in resources, this discriminatory pricing leads to the poor subsidizing the rich. Based on this analysis, implications for consumer welfare are discussed.