
Production, Trade and Exchange Rates in Large Experimental Economics

  • 研討會日期 : 2003-01-14
  • 時間 : 15:00
  • 主講人 : Prof. Charles N. Noussair
  • 地點 : B棟110室
  • 演講者簡介 : Prof. Charles N. Noussair為Ph.D. in Social Science,California Institute of Technology (1993)。 現為Associate Professor,Department of Economics,Emory University。 其主要研究領域為Experimental Economics、Industrial Organizational、Game Theory and Applied Microeconomics。
  • 演講摘要 : We construct experimental economies for the purpose of studying market equilibration. The economies are more complex than any laboratory economies studied to date and are "international" in economic structure. There are three countries that each possess it's own currency, resource endowments, and production technology. Two factors of production reside in each country, and each country has the ability to produce three output goods. In spite of the striking complexity and interdependence of the economy, the results demonstrate the substantial power of the general equilibrium model to predict directions of movements of market-level variables. Exploratory analysis yields patterns frequently found in field studies in addition to clear patterns in the xperimental data whose generality can be studied using field data.