


12月5-6日本所舉行「2019總體經濟計量模型研討會」,並於研討會首日下午進行「人工智慧與經濟」論壇。本次論壇由蔡瑞胸院士擔任主持人,邀請中山大學智慧電子商務研究中心梁定澎主任以「Artificial Intelligence and Smart Commerce」為題進行論壇引言,同時還邀請了:國立政治大學財政學系連賢明教授、資策會產業情報研究所詹文男所長、本院資訊科學研究所廖弘源特聘研究員暨所長,以及臺北醫學大學管理學院謝邦昌院長暨大數據研究中心主任,一起分享當前熱門的AI議題。透過論壇與會者豐富扎實的研究經驗,提供了一場精彩熱鬧的午後論壇。

The 2019 Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop (MMW) was held on 5-6 December, 2019, and a forum titled “AI and Economy” was held in the first day’s afternoon. The forum was chaired by Academician Ruey S. Tsay. Professor Ting-Peng Liang from National Sun Yat-sen University had served as the moderator, who brought out the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and Smart Commerce”. Professor Hsien-Ming Lien from NCCU, Dr. Victor Tsan from MIC, Distinguished Research Fellow Mark Liao from Academia Sinica IIS, and Dean of College of Management Ben-Chang Shia from TMU were invited as the panelists. During the forum the moderator and panelists had shared their rich research experiences with all attendees, and sparked some thoughtful discussions regarding to AI-related issues.

人工智慧與經濟論壇 影音檔案 