中央研究院經濟研究所的「經濟論文」預計在2025年發行「財務金融特刊」,特此對外進行邀稿。「經濟論文」為一收錄於Cabell's Directory、EBSCO、EconLit、Gale、ProQuest、Scopus和TSSCI等資料庫的期刊,且曾多次獲選為「國科會傑出期刊」,亦是「人社核心期刊」裡「經濟學」期刊分等為第一級期刊。財務金融領域相關學術研究,近幾年來無論在國內外均有快速的發展,而在全球經濟體系中,金融市場秩序也常左右著大局。睽諸於此,投入財務金融研究的學者可謂百家爭鳴,所得的成果也極為可觀。有鑑於此,本所「經濟論文」特訂針對財務金融議題,發行「財務金融特刊」,盼藉此一專刊之發行,能更進一步地提升國內財務金融界學術的研究水準。
- 資產訂價 8. 財務工程 15. 行為財務
- 市場微結構 9. 財務計量 16. 保險與精算
- 投資組合管理與策略 10. 公司理財 17. 風險管理
- 基金管理 11. 公司治理 18. 不動產投資
- 證券分析 12. 管理階層與員工薪酬 19. 環境永續
- 金融市場 13. 國際金融 20. 跨領域研究
- 財務會計 14. 國際財務管理 21. 其他相關議題
Special Issue for the 6th SSBRN Symposium
【Guest Editors】
Been-Lon Chen (Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica)
Adriana Grigorescu (Professor, Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration)
Dedhy Sulistiawan (Associate Professor, Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Surabaya)
Academia Economic Papers solicits submissions for a special issue for the 6th SSBRN Symposium, scheduled to publish in 2023. Academia Economic Papers is ranked as a top journal in economics by the National Science and Technology Council and is currently indexed in international databases including Cabell's Directory, EconLit, EBSCO, Gale, ProQuest and Scopus. The abstracts of Academia Economic Papers also appear in the EconLit of the American Economic Association. Meanwhile, according to the Notice of Review for Research Projects in Economics (pdf) issued by the National Science and Technology Council in 2019, Academia Economic Papers has been ranked at a level tier B+ international journal.
The special issue welcomes submissions of the participants of the 6th SSBRN Symposium held on September 5-6, 2022.
【How to Submit and Deadline of Submission】
Research articles in English and Chinese are solicited. Manuscripts submitted must be in a pdf format via the online submission system (website: http://journal.econ.sinica.edu.tw/aep) by December 31, 2022.