【Brownbag】Should Non-abating Countries Impose Carbon Taxes in Response to Border Carbon Adjustment? Dr. Kenneth Dy (李金全) 2023/03/17 12:10
【Macro Seminar】Mergers, Firm Size, and Volatility in a Granular Economy Professor Jackie M.L. Chan 2023/02/24 10:30
【Micro Seminar】The Shapley Value in Positional Queueing Problems Professor Youngsub Chun 2023/02/10 14:30
【Metrics Seminar】Best linear and quadratic moments for spatial econometric models and an application to spatial interdependence patterns of employment growth in US counties Professor Lung-Fei Lee (李龍飛) 2023/01/16 14:30
【Job talk】Incorporating Diagnostic Expectations into the New Keynesian Framework Professor Donghoon Yoo 2023/01/10 14:30