Chung-Cheng Lin, (1999), “The Employment Effect of a Minimum Wage Law in Shirking Model with Heterogeneous Workers,” Taiwan Economic Review (台大經濟論文叢刊), 27, 145-458. (Econlit)
Juin-Jen Chang, Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai, (1999), “The Unemployment and Wage Effect of Shifting to an Indirect Tax When Firms Set Wages Efficiently,” Economic Record, 75, 156-166. (SSCI, Econlit)
Chung-Cheng Lin, (1999), “Does a Marginal Employment Subsidy Increase Equilibrium Employment When Firm Set Wages Efficiently?” Academia Economic Papers (中央研究院經濟研究所經濟論文), 27, 191-207. (Econlit)
Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai, (1998) “Efficiency Wage, Partial Wage Rigidity and Money Nonneutrality,” Southern Economic Journal, 65, 331-340.
Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai (1997) “The Solow Condition in an Efficiency Wage Model with Overtime Work,” Australian Economic Papers, 36, 342-150.
Chung-Cheng Lin (1996) “Why do Japanese Giant Trading Companies Prefer Foreign Currency to Japanese Yen? A Supplementary Note,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 6, 161-165.
Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai (1996) “Why Parents and Teachers May Prefer Punishment to Encouragement for Children Education?,” Southern Economic Journal, 63, 244-247.
Chung-ChengLin and Ching-Chong Lai (1996) “Efficiency Wages and Market Structures,” Atlantic Economic Journal, 24, 95.
Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai (1995) “An Application of the Efficiency-Wage Hypothesis to the Modelling of LDC Labour Problems: a Comment,” Journal of Economic Development, 20, 57-65.
Chung-Cheng Lin and Ching-Chong Lai (1995) “Why More Encourage may Induce Less Diligence,” Atlantic Economic Journal, 23, 81.
Chung-ChengLin and Ching-Chong Lai (1994) “The Turnover Costs and the Solow Condition inan Efficiency Wage Model with Intertemporal Optimization,” Economics Letters, 45, 501-505. [DOWNLOAD]