
Event Review

2023年8月8-10日,中研院經濟所與美國芝加哥大學東亞研究中心(The Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago)共同舉辦以台灣年輕經濟學者為主要對象之年度研習營「The 6th 2023 Taiwan Economics Research」。研習營主要目的在於希望能為台灣年輕經濟學者建立一套完整的研究社群網絡,提供一個共同合作、交換彼此意見以及深入討論的研究平台、促進海內外台籍學者共同研究合作的風氣、以及促成跨領域研究計畫之規劃,並由三位資深院士謝長泰教授、蔡瑞胸教授及王平教授擔任導師角色,傳承學術研究精神與方法。

The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (IEAS) and the Center of East Asian Studies, University of Chicago jointly hosted 2023 Taiwan Economics Research (TER2023) during August 8-10, 2023. Its purpose was to encourage the collaboration in high quality research among young economic scholars in and outside Taiwan. The workshop consisted of contributed sessions and discussion sessions. Academicians Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago), Ruey S. Tsay (University of Chicago) and Ping Wang (Washington University in St. Louis) served as mentors to pass down their academic experience and research methods during the workshop.
※ Follow this link for more workshop photos: album