
2024 Term 2 (July~December)

Date Title Presenter Affiliation
July 12 Understanding cooperative behavior under assortative matching Chun-Fang Chiang
National Taiwan University
July 26 Closing the Gender Gap in Willingness to Contribute Ideas: A Lean-in Intervention Yu Hsin Ho
National Taiwan University
August 2 Nature of Chaebols in South Korea  Shao-Yu Jheng
Harvard University
September 6 Industrial and Productivity Dynamics in Crude Camphor Industry of Japanese-Ruled Taiwan (1903–18) Yi-Fan Chen
National University of Kaohsiung
September 20 Shifting Employment and Investment Structures Towards Environmental Sustainability Meng-Ting Chen
National Taiwan Normal University
October 4 On Wealth and Waste C.C. Yang
November 15 Changes in Adults’ Contact with Non-coresiding Parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan Ruoh-Rong Yu 
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
November 29 Limitation of Firm Fixed Effects Models and the Missing R&D-Patent Relation: New Methods and Evidence Jui-Chung Yang
National Taiwan University
December 27 Energy Savings from Home Appliance Replacements Chia-Wen Chen
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica


2024 Term 1 (January~June)

Date Title Presenter Affiliation
January 19 Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Program and Traffic Safety Po-Chun Huang
National Chengchi University
March 1 Experimentally Testing the Theory of Diagnostic Expectations Donghoon Yoo
March 29 Did Anti-Pandemic Policies Hurt the Economy in the Short-Run? Ziho Park
National Taiwan University
April 12 Sunk Cost and Entrant's Choice of Capacity Joonkyo Hong
National Taiwan University
April 26 Power Plant Emissions, Air Pollution, and Contemporaneous Health Hsuan-Chih Lin
May 10 Child Labor, Technological Adoption, and Structural Transformation Terry Cheung
May 24 Inequality and Earnings Dynamics in Taiwan Hsuan-Li Su
National Taiwan University
June 7 Sorting Through Matching with Evidence Gunhaeng Lee
June 21 Market Size and Institutions in a Global Economy Wen-Tai Hsu


2023 Term 2 (July~December)

Date Title Presenter Affiliation
July 7 Do Non-Blind Tests Hurt College Opportunity for Economically Disadvantaged Students? Evidence from Taiwan Chih-Yu Tsou
National Academy for Educational Research
July 21 Social Influence in Household Equity Investment: Evidence from Randomized Military Drafts Tim C.C. Hung
National Taiwan University
August 4 Social Network and Industrial Policy: Japan's Camphor Monopoly in Colonial Taiwan Yi-Fan Chen
National University of Kaohsiung
September 15 Economic Integration, Decoupling and Labor Share Han Yang
October 13 The Impact of Cognitive Capacity and Trust Level on Bayesian Updating Yating Chuang
October 27 Cap-and-Trade System, Firm Selection, and Emission Efficiency Yi-Fan Chen
National University of Kaohsiung
November 10 R&D Investments, Outsourcing and Non-neutral Productivity Growth Yi Lee
National Tsing Hua University
November 24 Hazed and confused: The effect of pollution exposure on CEO risk-taking YiLin Wu
National Taiwan University
December 8 Limited Liability and Legal Entities Travis Ng
Chinese University of Hong Kong
December 22 The Impact of US-China Trade War on Taiwan's International Trade Loretta Fung
National Tsing Hua University


2023 Term 1 (January~June)

Date Title Presenter Affiliation
February 17 Land Use Distortion in a Spatial Economy Wen-Tai Hsu
Academia Sinica
March 17 Should Non-abating Countries Impose Carbon Taxes in Response to Border Carbon Adjustment? Kenneth Dy
Academia Sinica
April 14 Data Scientist Hiring, Markup, and Asset Prices Chi-Yang Tsou
University of Manchester
April 28 Mind-Reading Ability Predicts Sales Performance: Evidence From Financial Consultants Josie I Chen
National Taiwan University
May 26 How Does Land Use Policy Affect Local Labor Market and Housing Market? Meng-Ting Chen
Soochow University
June 9 The Long-Term Impact of Child Disability on Parental Labor Supply Tzu-Ting Yang
Academia Sinica


2022 Term 2 (July~December)

Date Title Presenter Affiliation
July 15 Inclusive Origins of Rapid Industrialization: the Persistent Effects of the Colonial Bank Networks on Taiwan’s Economic Miracle Shao-Yu Jheng
National Taiwan University
July 22 Education Attainment and Structural Transformation Terry Cheung
Academia Sinica
August 5 Inference for ROC Curves Based on Estimated Predictive Indices Yu-Chin Hsu
Academia Sinica
August 19 Does Combining General Election and Electoral Referendum Increase the Voter Turnout? A Gamified Experimental Study Wei Chen
National Taiwan University
September 2 The Tower of Babel: Localization, Translation, and International Trade Han Yang
Academia Sinica
September 16 Improving Quantal Cognitive Hierarchy Model Through Iterative Population Learning Shih-Fen Cheng
Singapore Management University
September 30 Animal Spirit in the New Keynesian Model: How Does Cognitive Bias Affect Monetary and Fiscal Policies? Chih-Han Hsueh
Academia Sinica
October 21 On "Machine Labor": Many instrumental variables versus variable selection Chor-Yiu Sin
National Tsing Hsu University
November 11 Riot Networks and the Tullock Paradox: An application to the Egyptian Arab Spring Chih-Sheng Hsieh
National Taiwan University
November 25 Lender Concentration and Sudden Stops Chun-Che Chi
Academia Sinica