2024 Term 2 (July~December)
Date | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
July 12 | Understanding cooperative behavior under assortative matching | Chun-Fang Chiang (江淳芳) |
National Taiwan University |
July 26 | Closing the Gender Gap in Willingness to Contribute Ideas: A Lean-in Intervention | Yu Hsin Ho (何雨忻) |
National Taiwan University |
August 2 | Nature of Chaebols in South Korea | Shao-Yu Jheng (鄭紹鈺) |
Harvard University |
September 6 | Industrial and Productivity Dynamics in Crude Camphor Industry of Japanese-Ruled Taiwan (1903–18) | Yi-Fan Chen (陳奕帆) |
National University of Kaohsiung |
September 20 | Shifting Employment and Investment Structures Towards Environmental Sustainability | Meng-Ting Chen (陳孟霆) |
National Taiwan Normal University |
October 4 | On Wealth and Waste | C.C. Yang (楊建成) |
November 15 | Changes in Adults’ Contact with Non-coresiding Parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan | Ruoh-Rong Yu (于若蓉) |
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
November 29 | Limitation of Firm Fixed Effects Models and the Missing R&D-Patent Relation: New Methods and Evidence | Jui-Chung Yang (楊睿中) |
National Taiwan University |
December 27 | Energy Savings from Home Appliance Replacements | Chia-Wen Chen (陳嘉雯) |
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
2024 Term 1 (January~June)
Date | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
January 19 | Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Program and Traffic Safety | Po-Chun Huang (黃柏鈞) |
National Chengchi University |
March 1 | Experimentally Testing the Theory of Diagnostic Expectations | Donghoon Yoo (劉東勳) |
March 29 | Did Anti-Pandemic Policies Hurt the Economy in the Short-Run? | Ziho Park (朴至鎬) |
National Taiwan University |
April 12 | Sunk Cost and Entrant's Choice of Capacity | Joonkyo Hong (洪俊教) |
National Taiwan University |
April 26 | Power Plant Emissions, Air Pollution, and Contemporaneous Health | Hsuan-Chih Lin (林軒馳) |
May 10 | Child Labor, Technological Adoption, and Structural Transformation | Terry Cheung (張庭源) |
May 24 | Inequality and Earnings Dynamics in Taiwan | Hsuan-Li Su (蘇軒立) |
National Taiwan University |
June 7 | Sorting Through Matching with Evidence | Gunhaeng Lee (李根行) |
June 21 | Market Size and Institutions in a Global Economy | Wen-Tai Hsu (許文泰) |
2023 Term 2 (July~December)
Date | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
July 7 | Do Non-Blind Tests Hurt College Opportunity for Economically Disadvantaged Students? Evidence from Taiwan | Chih-Yu Tsou (鄒志宇) |
National Academy for Educational Research |
July 21 | Social Influence in Household Equity Investment: Evidence from Randomized Military Drafts | Tim C.C. Hung (洪志清) |
National Taiwan University |
August 4 | Social Network and Industrial Policy: Japan's Camphor Monopoly in Colonial Taiwan | Yi-Fan Chen (陳奕帆) |
National University of Kaohsiung |
September 15 | Economic Integration, Decoupling and Labor Share | Han Yang (楊宗翰) |
October 13 | The Impact of Cognitive Capacity and Trust Level on Bayesian Updating | Yating Chuang (莊雅婷) |
October 27 | Cap-and-Trade System, Firm Selection, and Emission Efficiency | Yi-Fan Chen (陳奕帆) |
National University of Kaohsiung |
November 10 | R&D Investments, Outsourcing and Non-neutral Productivity Growth | Yi Lee (李宜) |
National Tsing Hua University |
November 24 | Hazed and confused: The effect of pollution exposure on CEO risk-taking | YiLin Wu (吳儀玲) |
National Taiwan University |
December 8 | Limited Liability and Legal Entities | Travis Ng (吳嘉豪) |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
December 22 | The Impact of US-China Trade War on Taiwan's International Trade | Loretta Fung (馮炳萱) |
National Tsing Hua University |
2023 Term 1 (January~June)
Date | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
February 17 | Land Use Distortion in a Spatial Economy | Wen-Tai Hsu (許文泰) |
Academia Sinica |
March 17 | Should Non-abating Countries Impose Carbon Taxes in Response to Border Carbon Adjustment? | Kenneth Dy (李金全) |
Academia Sinica |
April 14 | Data Scientist Hiring, Markup, and Asset Prices | Chi-Yang Tsou (鄒季洋) |
University of Manchester |
April 28 | Mind-Reading Ability Predicts Sales Performance: Evidence From Financial Consultants | Josie I Chen (陳儀) |
National Taiwan University |
May 26 | How Does Land Use Policy Affect Local Labor Market and Housing Market? | Meng-Ting Chen (陳孟霆) |
Soochow University |
June 9 | The Long-Term Impact of Child Disability on Parental Labor Supply | Tzu-Ting Yang (楊子霆) |
Academia Sinica |
2022 Term 2 (July~December)
Date | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
July 15 | Inclusive Origins of Rapid Industrialization: the Persistent Effects of the Colonial Bank Networks on Taiwan’s Economic Miracle | Shao-Yu Jheng (鄭紹鈺) |
National Taiwan University |
July 22 | Education Attainment and Structural Transformation | Terry Cheung (張庭源) |
Academia Sinica |
August 5 | Inference for ROC Curves Based on Estimated Predictive Indices | Yu-Chin Hsu (許育進) |
Academia Sinica |
August 19 | Does Combining General Election and Electoral Referendum Increase the Voter Turnout? A Gamified Experimental Study | Wei Chen (陳暐) |
National Taiwan University |
September 2 | The Tower of Babel: Localization, Translation, and International Trade | Han Yang (楊宗翰) |
Academia Sinica |
September 16 | Improving Quantal Cognitive Hierarchy Model Through Iterative Population Learning | Shih-Fen Cheng (鄭世昐) |
Singapore Management University |
September 30 | Animal Spirit in the New Keynesian Model: How Does Cognitive Bias Affect Monetary and Fiscal Policies? | Chih-Han Hsueh (薛致涵) |
Academia Sinica |
October 21 | On "Machine Labor": Many instrumental variables versus variable selection | Chor-Yiu Sin (冼芻蕘) |
National Tsing Hsu University |
November 11 | Riot Networks and the Tullock Paradox: An application to the Egyptian Arab Spring | Chih-Sheng Hsieh (謝志昇) |
National Taiwan University |
November 25 | Lender Concentration and Sudden Stops | Chun-Che Chi (紀鈞哲) |
Academia Sinica |