
Event Review

中研院經濟所於2018年11月23日邀請神戶大學Fumitoshi Mizutani副校長至本所發表專題演講。此次演講主要探討日本鐵路事業之改革,以日本鐵路之營運與政府法規、鐵路之私有化及日本鐵路之垂直結構等三面向,以深入淺出的方式,帶領聽眾了解日本鐵路之過去與現況。

Prof. Fumitoshi Mizutani from Kobe University delivered a lecture on November 23rd, 2018 at the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. The lecture covered public policy, management, technology, and cultural background in Japan's railway industry, using wide range of data to demonstrate the past and current situation of the railway industry in Japan. 


Lecture Album: Link Here