
Professor Andrew Mason

Keynote Speech I:    December 7, 2017,  9:10-10:10

Professor Andrew Mason (University of Hawaii)
Keynote Speech: Aging and the Generational Economy


Academician Ruey S. Tsay

Keynote Speech II:    December 8, 2017,  11:00-12:00

蔡瑞胸院士 Academician Ruey S. Tsay (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Keynote Speech: Forecasting in the Data-Rich Environment

 Academician George C. Tiao

Keynote Speech III:    December 8, 2017,  13:30-14:30

刁錦寰院士  Academician George C. Tiao (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Keynote Speech: Finding Needles in a Big Sea: A Clustering Procedure for Analysis of Heterogeneous Data