Ph.D. in Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1989)
研究領域: 公共經濟
Email : ccyang at econ.sinica.edu.tw
電話 : 02-2782-2791#311
- Ph.D. in Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1989)
- 公共經濟學
- 政治經濟學
- Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (2023-)
- Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (2003-2023)
- Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (1993-2003)
- Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (1989-1993)
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech (1984-1989)
- Instructor, Department of Economics, Tunghai University (1979-1984)
- Special Three-Year Research Grant, National Science of Council, Taiwan (2002)
- Distinguished Research Award, National Science of Council, Taiwan (1995, 1997, 2000)
- Research Academic Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (1994)
- Executive Editor, Academia Economic Papers (1998-2000, 2001-2004).
- Tsai, Yi-Chan, C.C. Yang, and Hsin-Jung Yu(2021), "Rising Skill Premium and the Dynamics of Optimal Capital and Labor Taxation", Quantitative Economics, forthcoming
- Chen, Yumin, Yili, Chein, Yi Wen and C.C. Yang(2021), "Are Unconditional Lump-Sum Transfers a Good Idea", Economics Letters, 209.
- Jung, Hanjoon M, Meng-Yu Liang and C.C. Yang(2021), "How Much Should We fund the IRS?", Journal of Public Economic Theory
- Chen, Yumin, Yili, Chien, Yi Wen and C.C. Yang(2021), "Should Capital be Taxed?", Economics Letter, 200.
- Chu, C,Y. Cyrus, Chun-Hui Lu, and C.C. Yang(2020), "On the Efficiency Aspect of Inheritance Taxation", Academia Economic Papers, 48 151-181.
- Teng, Chen-Yuan Joshua, Joseph Tao-yi Wang, and C.C. Yang(2020), "Justice, What Money Can Buy: A Lab Experiment on Primary Social Goods and the Rawlsian Difference Principle", Constitutional Political Economy, 31 45-69.
- Chen, Yin-Hua, Ying-Chun Chen, Wen-Jui Kuo, Kamhon Kan, C. C. Yang and Nai-Shing, Yen(2017), "Strategic Motives Drive Proposers to Offer Fairly in Ultimatum Games: An fMRI Study", Scientific Reports, 7.
- Tsai, Tsung-Sheng and C.C. Yang(2016), "Ideologies, Status Quo, and Parties’ Outside Option in Parliamentary Politics", International Journal of Economic Theory, 12 279-297.
- Tsai, Tsung-Sheng and C.C. Yang(2015), "On the IRS's Service and Enforcement", Economic Inquiry, 53 889-905.
- Lai, Irene and C.C. Yang(2014), "Automatic Change versus Induced Policy Response in the Environmental Kuznets Curve: the Case of US Water Pollution", Contemporary Economic Policy, 32 435-450.
- Minchung Hsu and C.C. Yang(2013), "Optimal Linear and Two-bracket Income. Taxes with Idiosyncratic Earnings Risk", Journal of Public Economics, 105 58-71.
- Wai-Hong Ho and C.C. Yang(2013), "Factor Income Taxation and Growth with Increasing Integration of World Capital Markets", Economics Letters, 120 477-480.
- Lai, Irene and C.C. Yang(2013), "Automatic Change versus Induced Policy Response in the Environmental Kuznets Curve: the Case of US Water Pollution", Contemporary Economic Policy, forthcoming
- Yang, C. C.(2012), "An Introduction to Public Choice", Journal of Economics and Management , (8), 153-189.
- T.C. Michael Wu and C.C. Yang(2012), "The Welfare Effect of Income Tax Deductions for Losses as Insurance: Insured- versus Insured-Sided Adverse Selection", Economic Modelling, (29), 2641-2645.
- Teo, Wing Leong and C.C. Yang(2012), "Ramsey Taxes Meet Price Rigidity", Pacific Economic Review, (17), 204-207.
- Angus Chu and C.C. Yang(2012), "Fiscal Centralization versus Decentralization: Growth and Welfare Effects of Spillovers, Leviathan, and Capital Mobility", Journal of Urban Economics, 71(na), 177-188
- Tsai, Tsung-Sheng and C. C. Yang(2010), "On Majoritarian Bargaining with Incomplete Information", International Economic Review, 51(na), 959-979.
- Ihori, Toshihiro and C. C. Yang(2009), "Interregional Tax Competition and Intraregional Political Competition: The Optimal Provision of Public Goods under Representative Democracy", Journal of Urban Economics, 66(na), 210-217.
- Ueng K.L. Glen and C.C. Yang(2001), "Plea Bargaining with the IRS: Extensions and Further Results", Journal of Public Economics, 81(na), 83-98.
- Kan Kamhon and C.C. Yang(2001), "On Express Voting: Evidence from the 1988 U.S. Presidential Election", Public Choice, 108(na), 295-312.
- Lin Wen-Zhung and C.C. Yang(2001), "A Dynamic Portfolio Choice Model of Tax Evasion", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 25(na), 1827-1840.
- Ueng, K.L. Glen and C. C. Yang(2000), "Taxation with Little Administration", Journal of Public Economics, 75(na), 145-156.
- Yang, C.C(1995), "Endogenous Tariff Formation under Representative Democracy", Probabilistic Voting Model, American Economic Review (85), 956-63.
- Yang, C.C.(1993), "Optimal Linear Income Tax with Random Revenue", Journal of Public Economics, 52(na), 391-401.
- Yang, C.C.(1991), "The Pricing of Public Intermediate Goods Revisited", Journal of Public Economics, 45(na), 135-141.
- 楊建成(2020), "「財稅大數據的應用」", 《財稅研究》, 49(5), 47-61。
- 侯欣妙、吳朝欽、楊建成(2016), "「臺灣生命循環不均度」", 《臺灣經濟預測與政策, 47(1), 1-35。
- 楊建成(2012), "「介紹公共選擇」", 《 Journal of Economics and Management 》, 8(153-189)。
- 楊建成(2007), "「最後通牒賽局理論與研究簡介」", 《社會科學論叢》, 1(2), 1-21。