


Ph.D. in Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania (1989)

研究領域: 區域經濟學、產業經濟學、國際貿易

Email : speng at econ.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2782-2791#209


  • Ph.D. in Regional Science, Department of Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania (1985-1989)

  • Vice President, Academia Sinica (2024.9-)
  • Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (2011-)
  • Joint-Appointment Professor, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University (2009-)
  • Joint-Appointment Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University (2003-)

  • President, Chinese Economic Association in North America, 2015. 1- 2017. 1
  • President, Taiwan Economic Association, 2012. 1-2014. 1
  • Director, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 2007.8- 2013.8
  • Executive committee, Academic Review Committee, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2010.2- 2011.1
  • Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 1996.9- 2011.7
  • Adjunct Guest Professor, Department of Economics, Soochow University, 2007.8- 2009.7
  • Deputy Executive Secretary, the Central Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica, 2006.4- 2007.8
  • Guest Professor, Department of Economics, University of Kyoto, 2004. 6-2004. 8
  • Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 2001. 9-2004. 8
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, 2001. 8-2002. 7
  • Secretary General, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2017.9-2024-9)

  • 台灣經濟學會經濟傑出貢獻獎(2018年12月)
  • 台灣經濟學會經濟政策傑出論文獎(2016年12月)
  • 中央研究院「深耕計畫」(五年期)(2016年)
  • 國立台灣大學學術研究成果傑出獎(2009年9月)
  • 教育部第53屆學術獎《社會科學類》(2009年12月)
  • 行政院國科會傑出研究獎《經濟學》(2007年4月)
  • 產經建研社第一屆「台灣產經論文獎」優秀獎得獎人(2005年)
  • 中華民國都市計畫學會第十六屆「計畫獎狀」學術類得獎人(2003年)
  • 行政院國科會優等研究獎(1993年)

  • Guest Editor, International Journal of Economic Theory (2018-2020)
  • Editorial Board, City and Planning (2017-)
  • 撰稿委員, 台灣經濟預測與政策 (2014-2017)
  • Editorial Advisory Council, Pacific Economic Review (2013-)
  • Editor, Academia Economic Papers (2013-2015)
  • Associate Editor, Economics Bulletin (2011-2017)
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Economic Theory (2006-)
  • Associate Editor, The Annals of Regional Science (2005-)

  • Juin-Jen Chang, Li-Wen Hung and Shin-Kun Peng(2023), "(De)Unionization, Trade, Unemployment, and Wage Differentials", Southern Economic Jourmal, 90(1), 121-155. 相關連結
  • Yi-Fan Chen, Wen-Tai Hsu and Shin-Kun Peng(2023), "Innovation, Firm Size Distribution, and Gains from Trade", Theoretical Economics, 18(1), 341-380. 相關連結
  • Juin-Jen Chang, Yi-Ling Cheng and Shin-Kun Peng(2022), "Trade, Emissions, and Regulatory (Non-)Compliance: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity", Review of International Economics, 30, 57-82. 相關連結
  • Yi-Fan Chen, Shin-Kun Peng and Tsung-Sheng Tsai(2021), "The Market Structure in Trade Intermediation with Heterogeneous Manufacturing Firms", International Review of Economics and Finance, 75, 501-523. 相關連結
  • Dao‐Zhi Zeng, Shin‐Kun Peng(2021), "Symmetric Tax Competition and Welfare with Footloose Capital", Journal of Regional Science, 62(2), 472-491. 相關連結
  • Yi-Fan Chen, Alireza Naghavi, Shin-Kun Peng(2021), "Learning by Supplying and Competition Threat", Review of World Economics, 157(1), 121-148. 相關連結
  • Li-Wen Hung, Shin-Kun Peng(2020), "Unemployment with Trade and Firm Heterogeneit", International Journal of Economic Theory, 16(1), 62-81.
  • Tsung-Chen Lee, Shin-Kun Peng, Chia-Tsung Yeh, and Chun-Yi Tseng(2018), "Bottom-up Approach for Downscaling CO2 Emissions in Taiwan : Robustness Analysis and Policy Application", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(4), 656-676.
  • Alireza Naghavi, Shin-Kun Peng and Yingyi Tsai(2017), "Relationship-Specific Investmens and Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement with Heterogeneous Suppliers", Review of International Economics, 25(3), 626-648. 相關連結
  • Ching-mu Chen and Shin-Kun Peng(2017), "Entrepreneurship and Welfare Gains from Trade", Academia Economic Papers, 45(1), 1-46.
  • Juin-Jen Chang, Yi-Ling Cheng and Shin-Kun Peng(2017), "Social Comparisons in Consumption, International Capital Flows and Tax Competition", International Journal of Economic Theory, 13(9), 47-71.
  • Kamhon Kan, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2017), "Understanding Consumption Behavior: Evidence from Consumers", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(1), 137-153.
  • Tsung-Chen Lee and Shin-Kun Peng(2015), "Urban Industrial Transformation and Policies in Response to Climate Change", Journal of City and Planning, 42(1), 39-57.
  • Yi-Ling Cheng and Shin-Kun Peng(2014), "Price Competition and Quality Differentiation with Multiproduct Firms", Journal of Economics, 112(3), 207-223.
  • Marcus Berliant, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2014), "Taxing Pollution: Agglomeration and Welfare Consequences", Economic Theory, 55(3), 665-704.
  • Shin-Kun Peng, Ping Wang and Chia-Ming Yu(2013), "Public Good Inputs, Housing Quality, and Locational Stratification", Taiwan Economic Review, 41(2), 195-217.
  • Yi-Ling Cheng and Shin-Kun Peng(2012), "Quality and Quantity Competition in a Multiproduct Duopoly", Southern Economic Journal, 79(1), 180-202.
  • Chia-Hui Lu, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2012), "The Organization of Production and Trade", International Journal of Economic Theory, 8(2), 179-195.
  • Angus C. Chu and Shin-Kun Peng(2011), "International Intellectual Property Rights: Effects On Growth Welfare And Income Inequality", Journal of Macroeconomics, 33(2), 276-287.
  • Yi-Ling Cheng, Shin-Kun Peng and Takatoshi Tobuchi(2011), "Multiproduct Duopoly with Vertical Product Differentiation", The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Theoretical Economics, 11(Iss. 1 (Contributions)), Article 16.
  • Hsiao-Lan Liu, Hsin-Yi Lin and Shin-Kun Peng(2010), "The Spillover Effects of R&D on Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan's Metropolitan Areas", The Annals of Regional Science, 45(3), 519-546.
  • Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2009), "A Normative Analysis of Housing-Related Tax Policy in a General Equilibrium Model of Housing Quality and Prices", Journal of Public Economics Theory, 11(5), 667-696 (Leading Article).
  • Been-Lon Chen, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2009), "Intergenerational Human Capital Evolution, Local Public Good Preferences, and Stratification", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(3), 745-757.
  • Shin-Kun Peng and Jyh-Fa Tsai(2009), "Industrial Agglomeration with Urban Congestion Costs", Taiwan Economic Review, 37(1), 53-78.
  • Chao-Cheng Mai, Shin-Kun Peng and Takatoshi Tabuchi(2008), "Economic Geography with Tariff Competition", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 38(1), 478-486.
  • Shin-Kun Peng and Takatoshi Tabuchi(2007), "Spatial Competition in Variety and Number of Stores", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 16(1), 227-250﹝此文獲選為2008年中央研究院 重要研究成果論文選刊之一﹞.
  • Shin-Kun Peng, Jacques-François Thisse and Ping Wang(2006), "Economic Integration and Agglomeration in a Middle Product Economy", Journal of Economic Theory, 131(1), 1-25 (Leading Article)﹝此文獲選為2007年中央研究院 重要研究成果論文選刊之一﹞.
  • Fu-Chuan Lai, Shin-Kun Peng and Jyh-Fa Tsai(2006), "Spatial Duopoly with Zoning", The Annals of Regional Science, 40(3), 515-530.
  • Marcus Berliant, Shin-kun Peng and Ping Wang(2006), "Welfare Analysis of the Number and Locations of Local Public Facilities", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36(2), 207-226.
  • Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang(2005), "Sorting by Foot: ‘Travel-for’ Local Public Good and Equilibrium Stratification", Canadian Journal of Economics, 38(4), 1224-1252.
  • Shin-Kun Peng(2004), "Spatial Monopoly with Product Differentiation", Southern Economic Journal, 70(3), 646-660.
  • Chia-Chi Ho, Kamhon Kan and Shin-Kun Peng(2004), "Ranking Regional and Geographical Science Journals in Taiwan", City and Planning, 31(1), 1-24.
  • Marcus Berliant, Shin-kun Peng and Ping Wang(2002), "Production Externalities and Urban Configuration", Journal of Economic Theory, 104(2), 275-303.