Ph.D. in Resource Policy, Economics and Management, University of Michigan (1985)
研究領域: 環境與資源經濟學、氣候變遷經濟學
- Ph.D. in Resource Policy, Economics and Management, the University of Michigan, 1985.
- 環境與自然資源經濟、政策與管理
- 氣候變遷經濟學
- 中央研究院經濟所兼任研究員
- 國立政治大學經濟系兼任教授
- Steering Committee Member, Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
- 中央研究院未來地球委員會中華民國委員會委員
- 中央研究院經濟所研究員(1991-2021)
- 中華經濟研究院院長(2006-2011)
- 國立臺北大學自然資源與環境管理研究所合聘教授(2001-2019)
- President, East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (2012-2014)
- 台灣環境與資源經濟學會理事長(2014-2015、2018-2019)
- 中華民國區域科學學會理事長(2011-2013)
- EEPSEA Advisory Committee Member(2014-2016)
- 國家災害防救科技中心社會與經濟組召集人(2002-2009)
- 中央研究院經濟所副研究員(1988-1991)
- 中華經濟研究院副研究員(1985-1988)
- 耶魯大學森林與環境研究學院訪問學人(1991-1992)
- 第三十九屆教育部學術獎〈商科〉(1995)
- The 1994 paper, “The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: A Ricardian Analysis” (AER, 84(4)) is recognized by AERE (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) as the 2019 AERE Publication of Enduring Quality
- 亞洲環境與資源經濟學會會士 (2023)
- 台灣經濟預測與政策,編輯委員, 2011-2020
- Editorial Board (2010-), Co-Editor (2019-), Climate Change Economics
- Co-Editor (1997-), Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
- Editorial Board (2019-), Journal of Economics and Sustainability
- 農業與資源經濟,主編,2006-2008
- 經濟論文,編輯委員,1992-1997
- 綠色經濟,主編,2016-2019
- 經濟研究,編輯委員,1997-2000
- Hock-Eam Lim, Daigee Shaw, Le-Yu Chen, and Pei-Shan Liao(2023), "Distributional Effects of Freedom and Income on Life Satisfaction: Evidence from East Asian Chinese Societies", Asian Economic Journal, forthcoming.
- Nan Zhang, Daigee Shaw, Chuan-Yao Lin(2022), "Implicit Prices of Job Risk, Climate, and Air Pollution: Evidence from Taiwan", Climate Change Economics, 13(4).
- 蕭代基、黃琝琇、林師模、傅俞瑄(2022), "國際碳邊境調整機制對台灣減碳與經濟的影響", 臺灣能源期刊第九卷第一期, 1-24.
- 蕭代基、張瓊婷、陳蓉怡、林宗弘、洪鳴丰(2021), "達成永續發展目標所需的消費與生產系統轉型", 台灣經濟論衡, 19(3), 66-72.
- Shaw, Daigee, Ju-Chin Huang, Chuan-Yao Lin, Ting-Yu Hsu, Mingche Tsai(2021), "Estimating Demand for Good Climate and Air Quality in Taiwan", Climate Change Economics, 12(01).
- Xiaozi Liu, Daigee Shaw, Trond Bjørndal, Mikko Heino(2021), "The Day-to-day Supply Responses of a Limited-entry Mixed Fishery", Marine Resource Economics, 36(1), 70-91.
- Daigee Shaw, Zili Yang(2020), "Integrated Assessment Modeling for Climate Change in China", Climate Change Economics, 11(3).
- Daigee Shaw, Yu-Hsuan Fu(2020), "Climate Clubs with Tax Revenue Recycling, Tariffs, and Transfers", Climate Change Economics, 11(4), 1-14. 相關連結
- 蕭代基、傅俞瑄、林師模、黃琝琇(2020), "減碳政策在台灣:補貼或課稅?", 綠色經濟期刊, 6(特刊), 1-23. 相關連結
- Endre Tvinnereim, Ole Martin Lægreid, Xiaozi Liu, Daigee Shaw, Christopher Borick, Erick Lachapelle (2020), "Climate Change Risk Perceptions and the Problem of Scale: Evidence from Cross-national Survey Experiments", Environmental Politics, 29(7), 1178-1198. 相關連結
- Hock-Eam Lim, Daigee Shaw, Pei-Shan Liao, Hongbo Duan (2020), "The Effects of Income on Happiness in East and South Asia: Societal Values Matter?", Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(2), 391-415, DOI: 10.1007/s10902-019-00088-9. 相關連結
- Ming-Feng Hung, Chiung-Ting Chang, Daigee Shaw(2019), "Individuals’ intentions to mitigate air pollution: Vehicles, household appliances, and religious practices", Journal of Cleaner Production, 227(1), 566-577, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.163.
- Ming-Feng Hung, Chiung-Ting Chang, Daigee Shaw(2019), "Individuals’ intentions to mitigate air pollution: Vehicles, household appliances, and religious practices", Journal of Cleaner Production, 227(1), 566-577. 相關連結
- Hock Eam Lim, Daigee Shaw, Pei-shan Liao(2017), "Revisiting the Income-Happiness Paradox: The Case of Taiwan and Malaysia", Institutions and Economies, 9(4), 53-69.
- Ju-Chin Huang, Daigee Shaw, Yu-Lan Chien and Min Qiang Zhao (2016), "Valuing Environmental Resources through Demand for Related Commodities", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 98(1), 391-415. 相關連結
- Yih-Ming Lin, Pei-Shan Liao and Daigee Shaw (2014), "Environmental Quality and Life Satisfaction: Subjective vs. Objective Measures of Air Quality", Social Indicators Research, On-line first, doi: 10.1007/s11205-014-0799-z. (SSCI)
- Ming-Feng Hung, Daigee Shaw and Bin-Tzong Chie (2014), "Water Trading: Locational Water Rights, Economic Efficiency, and Third-Party Effect", Water, 6(3), 723-744. (SCI Expanded)
- H. C. Lin, Y. L. Kuo, D. Shaw, M. C. Chang and T. M. Kao (2012), "Regional Economic Impact Analysis of Earthquakes in Northern Taiwan and its Implications for Disaster Reduction Policies", Natural Hazard, 61(2), 603-620. (SCI)
- Arwin Pang and Daigee Shaw (2011), "Optimal Emission Tax with Pre-existing Distortions", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 13(2), 79-88. (EconLit)
- Daigee Shaw, Arwin Pang, Chang-Ching Lin and Ming-Feng Hung (2010), "Economic Growth and Air Quality in China", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 21(3), 79–96. (EconLit)
- Daigee Shaw, Ming-Feng Hung and Yi-Hao Lin (2010), "Using Net Energy Output as the Base to Develop Renewable Energy", Energy Policy, 38(11), 7504–7507. (SSCI)
- Shuyeu Lin, Daigee Shaw and Ming-Chou Ho (2008), "Why are Flood and Landslide Victims Less Willing to Take Mitigation Measures than the Public?", Natural Hazards, 44(2), 305-314. (SCI)
- Ming-Chou Ho, Daigee Shaw, Shuyeu Lin and Yao-Chu Chiu (2008), "How Do Disaster Characteristics Influence Risk Perception?", Risk Analysis, 28(3), 635-643. (SSCI, SCI)
- Daigee Shaw, Chin-Hsun Yeh, Wen-Yu Jean, Chin-Hsiung Loh and Yen-Lien Kuo (2007), "A Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Building Losses in Taipei: An Application of HAZ-Taiwan with Its Pre-Processor and Post-Processor", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 30(2), 289-297. (SCI)
- Yu-Lan Chien, Cliff Huang and Daigee Shaw (2005), "A General Model of Starting Point Bias in Double-Bounded Dichotomous Contingent Valuation Surveys", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 50(2), 362-377. (SSCI)
- Ming-Feng Hung and Daigee Shaw (2005), "A Trading Ratio System for Trading Water Pollution Discharge Permits", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 49(1), 83-102. (SSCI, EconLit) (also in K. W. Easter and N. Zeitouni (eds.) (2006), Economics of Water Quality, International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy series, Tom Tietenberg and Kathy Segerson (general editors), Ashgate Publishing, UK.)
- Daigee Shaw and Ming-Feng Hung (2001), "Evolution and Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Policy in Taiwan", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 4(3), 141-166. (EconLit)
- Ben T. Yu, Daigee Shaw, Tsu Tan Fu and Lawrence W.C. Lai (2000), "Property Rights and Contractual Approach to Sustainable Development", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 3(3), 291-300. (EconLit)
- Daigee Shaw, Yu-Lan Chien and Yih-Ming Lin (1999), "Alternative Approach to Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Data: Valuing Water Quality of the River System in Taipei", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2(2), 97-112. (EconLit) (also in R. Quentin Grafton (ed.) (2009), Economics of Water Resources, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, U.K.)
- Anna Alberini, Maureen Cropper, Tsu-tan Fu, Alan Krupnick, Jin-tan Liu, Daigee Shaw and Winston Harrington (1997), "Valuing Health Effects of Air Pollution in Developing Countries: The Case of Taiwan", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 34(2), 107-126. (SSCI, EconLit)
- Robert Mendelsohn, William D. Nordhaus and Daigee Shaw (1994), "The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: A Richardian Analysis", American Economic Review, 84(4), 753-771. (also in Tom Tietenberg, 1997, ed. The Economics of Global Warming. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 74. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, U.K.). (124 citing articles by 2005/12/25 according to SSCI)
- Daigee Shaw and Rong-Dean Shaw (1991), "The Resistibility and Shiftability of Depletable Externalities", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 20(3), 224-233.
- Larry J. Williams, Daigee Shaw, Robert Mendelsohn (1998), "Evaluating GCM Output with Impact Models", Climatic Change, 39(1), 111-133. 相關連結
- Daigee Shaw (1988), "On-site Samples’ Regression: Problems of Non-Negative Integers, Truncation, and Endogenous Stratification", Journal of Econometrics, 37(2), 211-223. (47 citing articles by 2005/12/25 according to SSCI)
- Pao-Kuan Wang and Daigee Shaw (2023), "Why deep decarbonization is a must in Taiwan?", in Pao-Kuan Wang & Daigee Shaw (eds.), Roads to Net-zero: A Win-win Strategy for Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Daigee Shaw (2023), "Policy instruments", in Pao-Kuan Wang & Daigee Shaw (eds.), Roads to Net-zero: A Win-win Strategy for Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Daigee Shaw, Shih-Mo Lin, Wen-Hsiu Huang, and Yu-Hsuan Fu (2023), "The impacts of Taiwan 2050 net zero pathway and strategies on the environment, economy, and society", in Pao-Kuan Wang & Daigee Shaw (eds.), Roads to Net-zero: A Win-win Strategy for Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Daigee Shaw (2023), "Conclusion and policy recommendations", in Pao-Kuan Wang & Daigee Shaw (eds.), Roads to Net-zero: A Win-win Strategy for Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Daigee Shaw and Pi Chen (2013), "Perspectives and Challenges of Green Tax Reform in Taiwan," in Akihisa Mori, Paul Ekins, Soocheol Lee, Stefan Speck and Kazuhiro Ueta (eds.)", The Green Fiscal Mechanism and Reform for Low Carbon Development: East Asia and Europe, London Routledge.
- Daigee Shaw, and Te-hsiu Huang (2011), "Compensation in Siting Hazardous Facilities: A Radioactive Waste Repository in Taiwan," in Tung Fung, S. Hayden Lesbirel and Kin-che Lam (eds.)", Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application , Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press.
- Daigee Shaw (2005), "Visions of the Future for Facility Siting", in S. Hayden Lesbirel and Daigee Shaw (eds.), Managing Conflict in Facility Siting: An International Comparison Aldershot , UK Edward Elgar.
- Ming-Feng Hung and Daigee Shaw(2004), "Economic Growth and Environmental Kuznets Curve in Taiwan: A Simultaneity Model Analysis", in Michele Boldrin, Been-Lon Chen and Ping Wang (eds.), Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to Empirics Aldershot, UK Edwar Elgar.
- Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (2003), "Will Global Warming Cause Heat Stress?", in Ching-Cheng Chang, Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (eds.), Global Warming and the Asian Pacific Aldershot, UK Edward Elgar.
- Robert Mendelsohn, William Nordhaus, and Daigee Shaw (1999), "The Impact of Climate Variation on US Agriculture", Robert Mendelsohn and James Neumann (eds.), The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press.
- Daigee Shaw (1998), "Pollution Control Policy Reform in Taiwan", Ya-Hwei Yang (ed.), Industrial Development and Policies in Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research.
- Daigee Shaw(1996), "An Economic Framework for Analysing Facility Siting Policies in Taiwan and Japan", in Paul Kleindorfer, Howard C. Kunreuther and David S. Hong (eds.), Energy, Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives, pp. 167-186, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Daigee Shaw, Tsu-tan Fu, Lung-an Li, Wen-harn Pan, and Jin-tan Liu(1996), "Acute Health Effects of Major Air Pollutants in Taiwan", in Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (eds.), The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Anna Alberini, Alan Krupnick, Jin-Tan Liu, Daigee Shaw, Tsu-tan Fu, Maureen Cropper, and Winston Harrington(1996), "What is the Value of Reduced Morbidity in Taiwan?", in Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (eds.), The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific, Aldershot, UK Edward Elgar.
- Daigee Shaw and Bih Jane Liu (eds.) (2011), "The Impact of the Economic Crisis on East Asia: Policy Responses from Four Economies,", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
- S. Hayden Lesbirel and Daigee Shaw (eds.)(2005), "Managing Conflict in Facility Siting: An International Comparison,", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
- Ching-Cheng Chang, Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (eds.)(2003), "Global Warming and the Asian Pacific,", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
- Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw (eds.)(1996), "The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific,", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
- Daigee Shaw (ed.)(1996), "Comparative Analysis of Siting Experience in Asia,", Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica