Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012)
研究領域: 經濟計量
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012)
- 經濟計量
- 中央研究院經濟研究所副研究員 (2019.4–2024.2)
- 中央研究院經濟研究所助研究員 (2015.7–2019.3)
- 新加坡國立大學經濟系客座助理教授 (2012.7–2015.6)
- 台灣經濟學會陳昭南院士紀念獎 (2023)
- 國家科學及技術委員會傑出研究獎 (2023)
- 中央研究院前瞻計畫 (2021-2025)
- 台灣經濟計量學會年輕學者研究獎 (2020)
- 科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎 (2019)
- 科技部大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才獎助 (2015-2018)
- Yu-Chin Hsu, Martin Huber, Ying-Ying Lee, and Chu-An Liu (2024), "Testing Monotonicity of Mean Potential Outcomes in a Continuous Treatment with High-Dimensional Data", The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming 相關連結
- Xinyu Zhang and Chu-An Liu (2023), "A Unified Approach to Focused Information Criterion and Plug-In Averaging Method", Statistica Sinica, forthcoming
- Yi-Ting Chen and Chu-An Liu (2023), "Model Averaging for Asymptotically Optimal Combined Forecasts", Journal of Econometrics, 235(2), 592-607 相關連結
- Xinyu Zhang and Chu-An Liu (2023), "Model Averaging Prediction by K-Fold Cross-Validation", Journal of Econometrics, 235(1), 280-301 相關連結
- Shou-Yung Yin, Chu-An Liu, and Chang-Ching Lin (2021), "Focused Information Criterion and Model Averaging for Large Panels with a Multifactor Error Structure", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39 (1) 54-68 相關連結
- Yu-Chin Hsu, Chu-An Liu, and Xiaoxia Shi (2019), "Testing Generalized Regression Monotonicity", Econometric Theory, 35 (6) 1146-1200 相關連結
- Xinyu Zhang and Chu-An Liu (2019), "Inference after Model Averaging in Linear Regression Models", Econometric Theory, 35 (4) 816-841 相關連結
- Chu-An Liu (2018), "Averaging Estimators for Kernel Regressions", Economics Letters, 171, 102-105 相關連結
- Chu-An Liu and Biing-Shen Kuo (2016), "Model Averaging in Predictive Regressions", The Econometrics Journal, 19 (2) 203-231 相關連結
- Chu-An Liu (2015), "Distribution Theory of the Least Squares Averaging Estimator", Journal of Econometrics, 186 (1) 142-159 相關連結