Moving Up or Moving Out? Product Cycles, FDI, and Trade
研討會日期 : 2004-02-20
時間 : 15:00
主講人 : 呂佳慧女士
地點 : B棟110室
演講者簡介 : 呂佳慧女士為Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ph.D. expected May 2004)。
其主要研究領域為International Trade、Applied Microeconomics及Econometrics。
演講摘要 : I formalize a new vision of product cycle trade in which the impetus of movement to the South is not just the pull of cost-seeking foreign direct investment (FDI), but the push created by the introduction of a superior product in the North. Incorporating industry heterogeneity and endogenizing innovation and the FDI processes, I show how the interaction of moving up and moving out strategies jointly determine product cycles, trade, and FDI. The model generates predictions in accordance with current empirical work-the extent of product-cycle trade varies across countries depending on their development levels; within any given Southern country, the prevalence of product-cycle trade varies across industries; it is maximized in medium-tech industries, while the South is the sole producer in low-tech industries and the North is the sole producer in high-tech industries. Normative questions "Are the R&D (FDI) subsidy policies exercised by the North (South) well suited for the goal of expanding (penetrating into) the Northern-dominated industries?" are also answered.