Sorting by Foot: Consumable Travel-for Local Public Good and Equilibrium Stratification
研討會日期 : 2004-03-02
時間 : 15:00
主講人 : 彭信坤教授
地點 : B棟110室
演講者簡介 : 彭信坤教授為Ph.D.,University of Pennsylvania。
其主要研究領域為Urban Economics、Regional Economics及Industrial Organization。
演講摘要 : This paper reexamine Tiebout’s hypothesis of endogenous sorting in a competitive spatial equilibrium setup with both income and preference heterogeneity. Agents decide endogenously the number of trips to consume a travel-for congestable local public good. We show that the equilibrium configuration may be completely segregated, incompletely segregated or completely integrated, depending crucially on the scale of local public good services, relative market rents and the underlying income/preference/local tax parameters. Segregated equilibrium may feature endogenous sorting purely by income or by both income and preferences. Multiple equilibria may arise when the equilibrium configuration is incompletely segregated.