A General Model of Starting Point Bias in Double-Bounded Dichotomous Contingent Valuation Surveys Prof. Chien, Yu-Lan 2005/04/26 15:00
Prof. Theo Driessen 為Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Niijmegen (1985)。 現任教於 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente。 其主要研究領域為Game Theory and Economics Theory。 Prof. Theo Driessen 2005/04/22 15:00
Industrial Structure Changes and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity Growth: The Krugman-Ki Prof. Liang, Chi-Yuan 2005/04/19 15:00
Insecure Property Rights and Growth: The Role of Appropriation Costs, Wealth Effects, and Heterogene Prof. Ngo Van Long 2005/04/12 15:00